MEDITATION OF THE MONTH January 20th 2019 – February 20th 2019

Proposed by LifeNet – Network for Mutual Inspiration between Earth and Humanity and created by Marko Pogačnik


The vertical principle that the religious communities and some spiritual groups worldwide are pushing forward represents a threat for the planet’s sensitive balance.

The horizontal fields of wisdom and feminine power are forgotten or underestimated in their spiritual and vital value. The vertical Earth – Cosmos flow can become destructive in the present conditions of the planetary change if not balanced with the three horizontal power fields of feminine quality. Bringing them to awareness and supporting their activity is crucial for personal and global equilibrium and health. With the three horizontal power fields I mean:

The field that pulsates horizontally around the centre of the belly region relating to the primeval powers of Gaia;

The rounded up horizontal power field of the heart;

The power field of the third eye that connects the soul dimensions of consciousness with those aspects of consciousness that find their expression through logics.

The three feminine power fields can be supported in their activity through the following breathing ritual that in the name of balance includes also the mentioned vertical channel of masculine power.

First sequence concerning the belly field:

  1. Start by inhaling form the core of the Earth, leading the breath upwards till the point behind the navel is reached.
  2. Then exhale out from there simultaneously in all directions horizontally so that a power field of feminine quality comes into being.
  3. Then inhale from all directions of the field simultaneously and breathe out into the Universe. Make a short pause.
  4. Then inhale from the centre of the Universe and lead the breath down till the point behind the navel is reached.
  5. Exhale simultaneously in all directions horizontally.
  6. Then inhale from all directions of the horizontal field simultaneously and exhale into the core of the Earth. Make a short pause and then repeat this kind of breathing several times.

Second sequence concerning the field of the heart:

  1. Start by inhaling form the core of the Earth, leading the breath upwards till the point of the heart centre is reached.
  2. Then exhale out from the heart centre simultaneously in all directions horizontally so that a power field of feminine quality comes into being.
  3. Then inhale from all directions of the field simultaneously and breathe out into the Universe. Make a short pause.
  4. Then inhale from the centre of the Universe and lead the breath down till the heart centre is reached.
  5. Exhale simultaneously in all directions horizontally.
  6. Then inhale from all directions of the horizontal field of the heart simultaneously and exhale into the core of the Earth. Make a short pause and then repeat this kind of breathing several times.

Third sequence concerning the field of the third eye

  1. Start by inhaling form the core of the Earth, leading the breath upwards till the point of the third eye is reached. Be aware that the third eye pulsates at the middle of the scull cavity and not above the eye brows, which is only a symbol.
  2. Then exhale out from the centre of the third eye simultaneously in all directions horizontally so that a power field of feminine quality comes into being.
  3. Then inhale from all directions of the field simultaneously and breathe out into the Universe. Make a short pause.
  4. Then inhale from the centre of the Universe and lead the breath down till the point of the third eye is reached.
  5. Exhale simultaneously in all directions horizontally
  6. Then inhale from all directions of the horizontal field of the third eye simultaneously and exhale into the core of the Earth. Make a short pause and then repeat this kind of breathing several times.