NOVEMBER 2024 LifeNet Telepathic Workshop: New Ways to Peace

  • Sunday, November 24th at 9 am

  • Tuesday, November 26th at 8 pm

The workshop programme can be found in different languages on these websites: or

New Ways to Peace

This workshop is telepathic and we orientate ourselves according to the course of the Sun. That means no matter where the participant is located, the workshop always begins at the given time according to your local time zone.

If needed, review the Guidelines for Telepathic Workshops published on these two websites. Study the workshop plan beforehand and have it printed with you or available on your computer or phone, so that you can follow the sequences.

Since we each have different rhythms of how we engage in our spiritual work, take as much time as you need for each sequence.

 Group Attunement

Be grounded in your heart and body and feel the presence of our group, which includes elemental, angelic and spiritual beings who support us.

Although we are spread widely around the world, we come together in our love for Gaia and our sense of shared responsibility for the life of Earth.

 Sequence 1: The Art of Renewing with Love and Forgiveness  (proposed by Ying Li)

The new Earth space is supported by an outstanding infrastructure: Gaia’s universe of love. Humanity moves towards the new, yet we are often pulled back by past traumas which perpetuate cycles of suffering. Gaia invites us to follow her lead: bring all into love and compassion, and to approach every pain, fracture and devastation as a golden opportunity to create something new.

  1. Give thanks for this moment in which you are safe and tranquil. Speak out these words: Peace begins with me. As you say the words, feel love and compassion for yourself and all of life upon Earth.
  2. Your soul family in the spiritual world then places a gift before you: a nourishing cup of tea. As you hold the teacup in your hands and sip the warm liquid, you feel these words arising: I am ready to forgive. Go ahead and say it out loud!
  3. Take a moment to enter a deep sense of forgiveness. Forgive everything and ask to be forgiven, even for things you are not personally responsible for. The separation between you and all others is disappearing. You now come into a divine state of Oneness.
  1. You then notice something which you did not see before. The teacup in your hands is a broken cup which has been joined back together by gold dust, like the Japanese art of Kintsugi. Elemental beings jump out of the golden cracks and they want you to join them!
  2. Our combined powers of love, compassion and forgiveness create golden rays which the elemental beings send into all the broken places in the world. Imagine Gaia sparks floating into destroyed places, fragmented groups and families. Feel the divisions between communities being repaired and renewed with love.
  3. Each unit becomes whole again and it adopts a unique pattern, shape or form. The scars and mended cracks remain visible and glowing with golden light, making each place even more beautiful than before. Finish with a dance or song of joy and gratitude!

Sequence 2: In Peace (proposed by Haro Wijnsouw)

To be in peace means to be without judgment of anything, both within ourselves and with the world we live in. This unconditional state is part of the new earthly creative processes.

  1. Imagine that you are a young child sheltering in a basement from a bombing raid. To shut you of from this harsh reality, you shrink into a foetal position with your thumb in your mouth. The penetrating noises and smelling are now going to the background and you feel how a fairy like being is helping you to slowly become lighter and more transparent. You place your hand on your heart and you notice that the scared child in you fades away.
  2. Your transparent self feels free, warm-hearted and sparkling. You are in peace with yourself and with everything around you. You stand up and place your hand on the hearts of the people in the basement. One by one their fearful selves fade away and they become warm-hearted.
  3. You go up the stairs outside and everything you see and touch undergoes the same transformation. The harsh reality becomes less present until it finally fades away.
  4. Then you, the young warm-hearted and sparkling child, are able to go into both the past and the future without judgment. You are in peace with all that is.

Sequence 3: Igniting Our Inner Light and Becoming One with Creation (proposed by Tea Golob)

Let us light our inner sun, awakening the full potential and creative powers that lie within us – often veiled by our fears, pain and sorrows. The strength of our inner light is found in the awareness that we are inseparable from the creation itself. Our physical and emotional bodies are intricately woven from the natural processes and cycles of Gaia and the Universe.

  1. Imagine we are on the shore of a vast lake. We hardly see what’s on the far side. The water appears to be dark, deep, and murky – reaching deep down, all the way to the core of the Earth. When you observe the depths of the water, take note of any tension within you; whether it’s pain, sorrow, fear…whatever comes out, meet it with acceptance.
  2. You step gently into the lake. Notice how your inner tensions feel heavy, as if anchoring you to the depths. Gradually, you sink down, deep into lake’s dense and dark water. You begin to lose the sensation of your body’s boundaries, merging completely with this dark, deep water. But you are safe.
  3. In those depths, you hear the heartbeat. It is yours, yet it pulses through the entire lake. Don’t forget, you are merged with the water now. Sense how strong, soothing, and invigorating this heartbeat is. Each beat sparks a gentle light. And the more you tune into this heartbeat, the brighter it becomes down there, in the depths of the water. As the light grows, your inner tensions begin to dissolve, leaving you lighter and freer.
  4. Within the glowing water, the trees, animals, humans and other beings of elemental and fairy kingdoms appear. You find yourself in a serene paradise. Everything is interconnected, permeated with love and light. You are sharing the heartbeat with others in oneness and harmony.
  5. Returning to the shore: You climb a tall tree and make your way back to the lake’s edge. Now, the water appears to be clear and pristine. Your heartbeat is still attuned to the creative powers of the Earth, which is a reminder that you can return at any time to reconnect with this primordial harmony, and release any tensions within you that hinder your path on this beautiful planet.

Sequence 4: The sound of Peace (proposed by Marko Pogačnik and Bojan Brecelj)

To make a renewed growth of peace on Earth possible, we can touch the whole Earthly creation with the silent sound of peace from inside.

  1. Go with your imagination far behind your back to touch the jewel of Gaia’s peace inspiration. Feel its wonderful quality of appearing harmonies that are permeating Gaia’s creation.
  2. Then create a musical instrument by leading several strings from Gaia’s new harmonies, as a peace source connecting them at your back to the different of your heart aspects. Rejoice at this cooperative creation.
  3. Invite elemental beings and angels of heaven to play their harmonies upon the instrument that connects the new creation of Gaia with the heart qualities of the human being.
  4. Let them flow into the world so that the units of human creation – those good intended as well as those destructive – both start to vibrate from inside with the song of peace. They vibrate so strongly that warfare becomes impossible on Earth and in the universe.


  • Be aware that one of the purposes of participating in the telepathic workshops is to offer the opportunity to beings of other dimensions and worlds of Gaia to collaborate together with us humans on themes important to us all.
  • Take some moments to feel all those wonderful beings, and to express your gratitude.
  • Ask these beings and worlds to repeat (with us) these proposed exercises into the future, if they decide to do so.


October 2024 LifeNet Telepathic Workshop: Fairy Dimensions

  • Sunday, October 20th at 9 am

  • Wednesday, October 23rd  at 8 pm

The workshop programme can be found in different languages on these websites: or

Fairy Dimensions

This workshop is telepathic and we orientate ourselves according to the course of the Sun. That means no matter where the participant is located, the workshop always begins at the given time according to your local time zone.

If needed, review the Guidelines for Telepathic Workshops published on these two websites. Study the workshop plan beforehand and have it printed with you or available on your computer or phone, so that you can follow the sequences.

Since we each have different rhythms of how we engage in our spiritual work, take as much time as you need for each sequence.

Group Attunement

Be grounded in your heart and body and feel the presence of our group, which includes elemental, angelic and spiritual beings who support us.

Although we are spread widely around the world, we come together in our love for Gaia and our sense of shared responsibility for the life of Earth.

Sequence 1, Part A: Healing the Human and Sidhe Relationship (proposed by Marko Pogačnik)

The monotheistic religions are hostile towards the elemental and fairy worlds because they want to promote God as the only creator of the planet. They are jealous of Gaia and the Sidhe (Celtic world for fairy worlds – pronunciation “Shi”) for their capability of giving birth to the beauty of the embodied Earth. This latent hostility has enabled powers foreign to life and love to sneak into the fabric of fairy-human relationships and create walls of separation.

  1. Sit down and open your hands in your lap. Invite elemental, fairy and Sidhe beings to approach your hands and make contact by touching them. Through this, their fairy essence is tuned to the quality of the human heart.
  2. Take this opportunity to get in touch with different beings from the fairy world. Enfold them with your love, talk to them…
  3. With the power of our new alignment, we should be able to break down the walls of separation between the fairy and human worlds. Ask that those who have been holding up the walls be sent along the path of transformation.

Sequence 1, Part B: Re-creating the Human and Sidhe Relationship (proposed by Marko Pogačnik) 

There exist two large groups of beings moving through different spaces that Gaia has created: humanity and Sidhe. They were originally close to each other like brothers and sisters. But at one of the crossroads their paths divided. The brother (humanity) decided to follow the path leading through the world of matter. The sister (Sidhe) decided to explore the fluid dimension of the etheric (causal) world. Walking different paths, they have lost each other…

  1. Since you are a human being, you can feel the loneliness of the brother who has lost contact to his beloved sister. Feel your immense longing to find her and to follow the path of life hand in hand with her again.
  1. Imagine walking through forests and deserts, searching upon high mountains and through underground caves. She is nowhere to be found. You are almost hopeless.
  1. Then you happen to pass a mirror. During a split of a second seeing your own face in the mirror, you recognize her: your bellowed sister, within yourself.
  1. Now dive into your own Sidhe (fairy like) dimension to be able to re-discover your links with the fluid spaces of fairy worlds.

Sequence 2: Shapeshifting in Divine Darkness (proposed by Ying Li)

Gaia’s elemental transformations enable us to experience layers of reality which were previously hidden or hard to reach. One of the worlds revealing itself is that of the divine dark knights: the Sidhe and angelic networks who co-create with the sacred dimensions of darkness, to decompose old forms and hold all cycles of life and death in deep love and grace. Within all humans is a fairy body ready to be activated through creative practices such as shapeshifting.

  1. Bring your awareness to your hands and without moving your arms, gently straighten your fingers. Close any gaps between your fingers so that they are all straight and touching. With this action you are joining together all the elements.
  1. Imagine your body turns upside down and you shape-shift into a bat. Now slowly spread out your fingers like you are opening your wings. You are about to take a journey into the night. If any fears arise within you, take some deep breaths into your heart space.
  1. Your body then naturally lifts into the air, and you fly with incredible agility and precision. Enjoy your flight into the darkness and play with echolocation, the ability to sense your surroundings from vibrational feedback through the sounds that you make. Feel the wonder of all the incredible experiences of embodied life.
  1. The bat has another gift for you: inter-dimensional travel to the darkest dark, the black hole of eternity. You fly across the sound and light barriers into the cosmic sacred darkness. This place is guarded by the dark Sidhe and the merciful angelic network of Thrones, which is like rainbow light within black light.
  1. Softly fold your arms over your chest and rest in the sweetness of eternal darkness. Take a moment to feel the loving embrace of Gaia within the black space. Sense how Gaia’s loving embrace of complete darkness spreads into an all-pervading sense of peace throughout the entire universe.

Sequence 3: In the Embrace of the Fairy Beings (proposed by Tea Golob)

The fairy realms are diverse, encompassing far more than just elemental beings tied to water, fire, air and earth. They also differ in their emotional frequencies, alignment with the light spectrum and the roles they play in energizing Gaia’s subtle body. Some fairies embody and transcend all these qualities, resonating with what can be understood as the fifth element. Invite them all to join you and together let us step into Earth’s future timeline.

  1. Imagine you are somewhere in a beautiful spot in nature, where all the elements are present. You can hear a water stream nearby, feel the gentle breeze around you, sit on the soft meadow and sense a small fireplace next to you. Open your heart space and warmly invite the fairy beings to join you. Open to their presence and observe how beautiful they are. Notice how you feel in their company and take a moment to sense how they feel in yours.
  1. Share with them your emotions, your wishes, cherished memories, maybe even your secret desires. Notice how they respond to you. What are they sharing with you?
  1. The exchange of your emotional vibrations is forming a beautiful rainbow light. As your conversation with fairies grows more intense and heartful, the rainbow light becomes brighter.
  1. When your heart opens fully, the rainbow’s colours merge into a shimmering white light. Now you can communicate with the fairies of the fifth element. Open yourself to this experience. Listen with your inner ears and observe with your inner eyes how they communicate with you.
  1. Now just enjoy the embrace of all the beings present. They all express unconditional love to you. Appreciate this moment of pure connection and harmony.

Sequence 4:  The Etheric World Active in Spiritual Existence (proposed by Haro Wijnsouw)

In the functioning of the new life processes of the Earth, the etheric world is increasingly coming to the fore. In that, they currently play a decisive role in the spiritual aspect of Earthly existence.

  1. Imagine that you are an old monk who is sitting tired and bent over his writing desk. Your head is heavy, and you have deep wrinkles on your forehead. You keep making the same drawing of a spiritual symbol (e.g. a cross, a Star of David, an ankh). You cannot stop putting this symbol on paper.
  1. After a while you are exhausted, the lines of the drawing become crooked and there are gaps in the figure. The spiritual symbol fades away. You fall asleep.
  1. At a certain point, you wake up and notice that something has changed. You feel open, transparent and it seems as if you consist of one big heart.
  1. You notice how etheric beings weave new symbols through you again and again. Symbols that come into being and disappear, according to the needs of the moment.


  • Be aware that one of the purposes of participating in the telepathic workshops is to offer the opportunity to beings of other dimensions and worlds of Gaia to collaborate together with us humans on themes important to us all.
  • Take some moments to feel all those wonderful beings, and to express your gratitude.
  • Ask these beings and worlds to repeat (with us) these proposed exercises into the future, if they decide to do so.
  • Please repeat some of the sequences of the workshop according to your choice in the period between one and the next workshop. You can use them as part of your daily meditation.

September 2024 LifeNet Telepathic Workshop: Gaia’s New Directions

  • Saturday, September 21st at 9 am

  • Tuesday, September 24th at 8 pm

The workshop programme can be found in different languages on these websites: or


Gaia’s New Directions

This workshop is telepathic and we orientate ourselves according to the course of the Sun. That means no matter where the participant is located, the workshop always begins at the given time according to your local time zone.

If needed, review the Guidelines for Telepathic Workshops published on these two websites. Study the workshop plan beforehand and have it printed with you or available on your computer or phone, so that you can follow the sequences.

Since we each have different rhythms of how we engage in our spiritual work, take as much time as you need for each sequence.

Group Attunement

Be grounded in your heart and body and feel the presence of our group, which includes elemental, angelic and spiritual beings who support us.

Although we are spread widely around the world, we come together in our love for Gaia and our sense of shared responsibility for the life of Earth.

Sequence 1: A step forward (proposed by Marko Pogačnik)

According to my recent dreams we are invited to make several decisive steps forward. Let us start with dismantling the thought form that billions of people believe in: that there is nothing else but the materialized reality. This makes humanity and elemental people of Gaia powerless in front of the approaching planetary and cosmic changes.

  1. Be aware of the narrow materialized reality around you. Feel the overloaded presence of the Earth Element.
  2. In your imagination you should move once or twice around you within the dense reality. (Move to the left.) Do you feel that reality around you is now softer or shows some cracks? If not you can do it three times.
  3. Now be aware that water is all around you – it is the element that makes life possible. Feel the soft presence of the Water Element.
  4. In your imagination you should move once or twice around you within the watery ambience. (Move to the right.). Do you feel that life around you is more vivid and beautiful now?
  5. Then be aware that air is all around you – it is the element of consciousness and communication. Feel the subtle presence of the Air Element.
  6. In your imagination you should move once or twice around you within the Element of Air. (Move to the right.) Take the opportunity to become friend with beings from other dimensions that show to you.

Sequence 2: The Cooperation Between The Etheric World And Humanity (proposed by Haro Wijnsouw)

In the new creative processes of Earth, the cooperation between the worlds of the etheric beings and humanity plays a special role.

  1. Pay attention to your head and more specifically to your brain. How does it feel? Then let your brain smoothly lay down on the soft cushion of your receptive heart. What does this do to both?
  2. Then you notice how a fairy appears that dances around you in a flowing movement. During this dance, the fairy spreads sparkling lights.
  3. You choose one of these lights and you notice that this light moves smoothly from one hand to the other. You take this flowing light into your expanded heart. What happens to you?
  4. Notice how the creative process continues from within yourself in a radiating and simultaneously flowing and reversing movement (like the movement of an oloid). Finally ask yourself, what do you, as a human being, mean for the new creative processes on Earth?

Sequence 3: Miracle of the Desert Rose (proposed by Ying Li)

Following the recent new moon and our entry into the point of equal night and day on the equinox, a new layer of reality has opened. This pathway of evolution is full of the unknown with surprising new opportunities. The elemental worlds of Gaia are ready to help us to align with her quantum leaps!

  1. Imagine a rose in a desert surrounded by a bright blue sky and golden sand. This rose does not grow from rainwater, it grows from tears. Take a moment to observe how all the tears of the world gently fall onto the sparkling petals and leaves of the rose.
  2. The roots of the rose go deep into the ground, touching the centre of the Earth. See the roots of the rose absorbing the tears, drinking this water released from the emotions of the heart.
  3. Be aware that there is a special kind of light which the rose requires. It is the light from the union of polarities. Imagine night and day flowing towards each other, converging into a star. The light from the star of light and dark union shines onto the desert rose, enabling it to make its miraculous growth.
  4. Lastly, notice how there is a soft spiral of elemental beings moving around the rose. From the opposite direction, there is another soft spiral of beings from the angelic network. As the spirals meet, the rose grows and touches your heart, sharing with you its secrets of transformation. Delicately carry this mysterious beauty of the desert rose to the rest of the world.

Sequence 4:  Open up to new beginnings by unlocking your creative potentials (proposed by Tea Golob)

To cocreate a new reality for all the beautiful beings living in the embrace of Gaia, we should release all the burdens of the past that are hindering our creative powers, and underpin our projections of the future. There is a point of awareness where duality (from where all the sorrows, fears, pains emerge) is not yet experienced but conceived as a creative force. Gaia is inviting us to delve into the depths of her creation where our burdens can be transformed into new potentials.

  1. Imagine yourself in a serene, beautiful corner of nature – perhaps a place you’ve known, or one that exists only in your imagination. Sit down and take a moment to observe the surroundings, listen to the sounds. Everything is calm, peaceful. The sun begins to set, casting a twilight glow that illuminates the ethereal beings supporting you in this meditation.
  2. When the sun slowly goes down, a full moon rises revealing a hidden path before you. Filled with anticipation, you begin to walk.
  3. You arrive at the shimmering pond, bathed in a starlight. A small boat awaits at the shore, and you step in, allowing it to carry you to the center of this mystical water. The water is so deep that it feels like it ends beyond what we can perceive with our senses.
  4. Gaze into the still water, and observe your reflection. But it is more than your physical appearance you can observe. You see yourself from the past, a series of memories floating from you like tiny pictures transforming themselves into bubbles. There’s no need to focus on each one—simply let them drift away …release them all. Watch as these bubbles float to the surface and dissolve, disappearing like sparkles in the night.
  5. Notice how you feel. With your memories released, there are no future projections, no burdens. You are completely empty, yet fully present. In this state of deep calm and limitless awareness, take a full breath of the air around you, filled with new potential waiting to manifest in the New Earth. Fill your lungs, fill your being. You are brimming with new creative energy. Carry this sense of renewal into your daily life.


  • Be aware that one of the purposes of participating in the telepathic workshops is to offer the opportunity to beings of other dimensions and worlds of Gaia to collaborate together with us humans on themes important to us all.
  • Take some moments to feel all those wonderful beings, and to express your gratitude.
  • Ask these beings and worlds to repeat (with us) these proposed exercises into the future, if they decide to do so.
  • Please repeat some of the sequences of the workshop according to your choice in the period between one and the next workshop. You can use them as part of your daily meditation.


August 2024 LifeNet Telepathic Workshop: The Widening of the Human heart

  • Sunday, August 25th at 9 am in the morning 

  • Tuesday, August 27th at 8 pm in the evening

The workshop programme can be found in different languages on these websites: or

The Widening of the Human Heart

This workshop is telepathic and we orientate ourselves according to the course of the Sun. That means no matter where the participant is located, the workshop always begins at the given time according to your local time zone.

If needed, review the Guidelines for Telepathic Workshops published on these two websites. Study the workshop plan beforehand and have it printed with you or available on your computer or phone, so that you can follow the sequences.

Since we each have different rhythms of how we engage in our spiritual work, take as much time as you need for each sequence.

 Group Attunement

 Be grounded in your heart and body and feel the presence of our group, which includes elemental, angelic and spiritual beings who support us.

 Although we are spread widely around the world, we come together in our love for Gaia and our sense of shared responsibility for the life of Earth.

 Sequence 1: An Unexpected Gift for Our Heart System (proposed by Marko Pogačnik)

The overall situation in the world around us is more then critical. What we can do as individuals and as a group is to inspire the human family to hold peace in any situation that comes up in the daily life. This is possible if we activate our own multidimensional heart system. One can imagine it as a constellation of several heart centers positioned around the so-called heart chakra.

A possible way to awake our heart system to become a messenger of peace and love is to open oneself to a gift from the inner universe offered newly. We live in the manifested (outer) universe which is still on the way to embody its spiritual purpose. The inner (dark) universe is a treasury of wisdom and knowledge because it has already done its evolution. It can perfectly support us on our path of transformation.

  1. Be aware that together with Gaia we stand at the threshold between the inner dark and the outer light universe lit by countless star systems. How does it feel to stand at this borderline between the darkness of eternity and the light of active evolution?
  2. Then go with your hands down into your back space to touch the star that can help you in activating your heart system. (You can use corresponding gesture.) Feel its presence between the palms of your hands.
  3. Bring it forward to position it in front of your heart centers constellation. Be aware that its light is neutral because it is turned inwardly. Nevertheless marvel at its beauty.
  4. Now to activate its light, let it glide through your heart space till the position at the back of your chest is reached. By touching your heart centers the star from the inner universe was activated. It shines now behind your back as a bright sun. Take time to bath in its radiation.
  5. Its beams accelerate the activity of your heart centers to the point when their presence becomes a messenger of peace and love touching the fellow human beings and all Gaia’s worlds. Like a flock of white birds the message rhythmically leaves your heart space to fly out. Follow its outflow for a while.

Sequence 2: Unified Heartbeat with Gaia (proposed by Tea Golob)

To live fully in tune with our multidimensional heart system, we must see beyond the veils of separation. Our reality manifests through the lens of duality – light and dark, female and male, joy and sorrow… These dualities are powerful forces of all creation, allowing the universe to express all its beauty, including us. To step forward as cocreators of a new reality with Gaia, we should ceased to be victims of the so-called dark side of duality and start perceiving both poles as sacred tools, divine means for life to exist in its natural cycles. By recognizing that these forces stem from a single source of unconditional love, we can expand our awareness and begin creating from this understanding.

Valuable support on this demanding path can come from drawing on the treasury of human archetypes and symbolic representations. This allows us to tap into our collective unconscious, where suppressed memories and experiences—along with the codes of separation—are hidden and available for transformation.

  1. Imagine you stand in front of the Garden of Eden. There are two Cherubins at the gate, holding flaming swords. You have no choice but to turn away and walk alone through a dark, unknown land, uncertain of what lies ahead. Allow yourself to become fully aware of all your feelings on this path.
  1. Tune in to your heartbeat. As you focus on your heart space, you notice a bright flame of light emanating from its center. It is illuminating your path. You realize you are not alone; other beings – humans, ancestors, animals, plant spirits, fairies…- are there with you, their hearts brimming with the same light as yours.
  1. You arrive at a magnificent tree with a grand canopy and roots spreading across the earth’s surface. Along with all your companions, you sit beside its trunk, forming a great circle—a circle of life in which everyone has a unique purpose. The light coming from our hearts merges into one powerful beam, one powerful heartbeat. Notice the colours it emits, the sound it produces, and how it feels to be connected in this way, beating as one.
  1. The heartbeat is so strong that earth begins to shake, causing deep cracks to appear on the surface. Despite the wild situation, you feel safe and supported. Through the cracks, a new light emerges, coming directly from the centre of the Earth, from the heart of Gaia. Feel yourself connecting to this new stream of light. The entire circle begins to shine in new hues, beating to a new rhythm.
  1. You notice the Cherubims approaching, their arms wide open. The flames in their hands are not swords but light of unconditional love, compassion and acceptance for all that exists. You realize that the Garden of Eden is always accessible when you open your heart, and attune to the the unified heartbeat with Gaia and all beings in the circle of life.
  1. In your daily life, create new thoughts and new visions for our future in accord to that wonderful experiece of unified heartbeat.

Sequence 3: Welcoming the Book of Life into Your Heart (proposed by Ying Li)

There is a complete transformation of space and time happening at the moment. Structures which have been permitted by Gaia to exist now require structural supports through the heart to create a stable foundation. This means that what is not grounded in love, risks crumbling away. Such changes can be deeply unsettling. Yet when we open to the bigger picture of transformation, we realise humanity’s precious invitation to Earthly evolution as emissaries of embodied love.

  1. Imagine that you are walking in a familiar place that you know. As you walk you suddenly notice that all the letters on the signs around you are scrambled. You cannot make sense of any of words and the place now feels totally unfamiliar.
  1. In this bewilderment you stand still and take a few deep breaths. You then notice your breath is rhythmic and welcoming. Take a moment to sense the elemental beings around you, and how they are opening new pathways of love.
  1. Stretch out your arms to open to the new pathways of love. Amazingly, you find a book of life comes into your arms. Feel how the book is large, luminous, weightless and cannot be read in a traditional way. When you centre in your heart space, the book opens by itself and its letters dance.
  1. You see that the letters scramble and unscramble by themselves! You realise that you have the key to decode your surroundings. With gratitude you fold the book of life into your heart. Take a moment to sense the book of life resting in your heart space.
  1. You now continue walking with ease. Every time you see scrambled letters, you feel the book of life in your heart. Then the letters dance and unscramble by themselves. What’s more, there are new signs and letters appearing, bringing new wisdom and communication to all forms of life.
  1. Feel a sense of joy and renewed confidence as you realise there is no need to fear. With the book of life in your heart, you adapt to the transformations of your surroundings through Gaia’s infinite powers of love.

Sequence 4:  The Widened Tree Heart (proposed by Haro Wijnsouw)

By nature, trees connect the earthly with the cosmic heart in their own hearts. During this transformation process, this mainly vertical exchange is expanded into a round and all-encompassing functioning, through which the heart penetrates the entire energy field of the tree. As upright walking beings, we humans are just as vertically oriented as trees. In this way, the trees show us how smoothly and naturally the widening of the heart can work.

  1. Hold your hands in front of your heart. Use them to form a spherical closed space. There is a seed in this cavity.
  2. Open your hands slowly. The seed germinates. It forms a stem, leaves and roots. It turns out to be a palm tree.
  3. The palm tree grows from out of your heart and it keeps getting bigger. When you, the tree, unfold your first large leaves, you spread out your arms and fingers. Feel how the sparkling fountain of energy, typical of palm trees, fills your entire energy field. Your energy field is now one heart field.
  4. Imagine yourself as a palm tree standing upside down with your crown underground and your root system in the air and how you bring the sparkling energy of the heart into your underground energy field.
  5. Come back to the familiar position and feel the expanded heart field. Notice how etheric beings gather under your crown, bask in the open and warm atmosphere and weave a new quality through your widened heart field.


  • Be aware that one of the purposes of participating in the telepathic workshops is to offer the opportunity to beings of other dimensions and worlds of Gaia to collaborate together with us humans on themes important to us all.
  • Take some moments to feel all those wonderful beings, and to express your gratitude.
  • Ask these beings and worlds to repeat (with us) these proposed exercises into the future, if they decide to do so.

July 2024 LifeNet Telepathic Workshop: Plant World Rising

  • Sunday, July 21st in the morning at 09.00

  • Tuesday, July 23rd in the evening at 20.00

The workshop programme can be found in different languages on these websites: or

Plant World Rising

Look within, listen within
Human being
Go with the trees,
Allow their closeness to you
Through feeling –
By listening and looking within
Feel your part upon the common path
On the Earth.

Received by Andrea Rosslan Brandt, 30. 6. 2024

This workshop is telepathic and we orientate ourselves according to the course of the Sun. That means no matter where the participant is located, the workshop always begins at the given time according to your local time zone.

If needed, review the Guidelines for Telepathic Workshops published on these two websites. Study the workshop plan beforehand and have it printed with you or available on your computer or phone, so that you can follow the sequences.

Since we each have different rhythms of how we engage in our spiritual work, take as much time as you need for each sequence.

Group Attunement

  • Be grounded in your heart and body and feel the presence of our group, which includes elemental, angelic and spiritual beings who support us.
  • Although we are spread widely around the world, we come together in our love for Gaia and our sense of shared responsibility for the life of Earth.

Sequence 1: Primordial Power of Trees (proposed by Marko Pogačnik)

In the course of the Earth transfiguration process, the trees are important protectors of life on the planet. To start practical collaboration with the trees, we need to become conscious of some basic dimensions of their existence. These can be called “Vegetation Dragon”, “Tree Giants”, or “Tree Ancestors”.

Vegetation Dragon

The Vegetation Dragon represents the primordial (atomic) power of life that permeates the whole plant world. It is the feminine aspect of the dragon moving permanently through the plant world.

  1. Choose a tree and express your love and appreciation for the plant world.
  2. Then select one single leaf of that tree. Be ready to jump into the leaf through its (thin) side and continue to move through the green sea of the forests and meadows. Enjoy the exquisite beauty and softness that pulsates within the plant world.

Tree Giants

To experience the tree as a Tree Giant, you need to choose a tall and experienced tree. If there is no such tree in your vicinity, you can use your imagination and take this kind of tree that you know from your memory.

  1. Express your appreciation in front of the chosen tree.
  2. Then imagine touching with your fingers the subtle core of the tree, which you find at the center of the tree where the tree trunk divides into tree roots.
  3. At that moment you should allow yourself to instantly grow with the tree up to its heights. Feel the power and softness of the tree giant within.

Tree Ancestors

After the old wonderful trees have died or were cut down, they continue to exist in their spiritual world. If you know such a tree, call its presence within your body.

  1. First feel your brain extending into a large and beautiful tree crown. Your backbone is the tree trunk and your coccyx develops into tree roots.
  2. Let yourself be blessed and taught the secrets of life by the ancestor trees.

Sequence 2: Opening to the Flower World Paradise (proposed by Ying Li)

Many indigenous cultures have stories and songs about the Flower World Paradise, an inner world of flowers filled with spectacular beauty and creativity. As the green dragoness (feminine primeval power of the plants) weaves into the elemental realm, Gaia is presenting humanity with an amazing opportunity: to intimately experience the essence of the flower within ourselves, thereby aligning our world with the Flower World Paradise.

  1. Imagine a hummingbird with beautiful iridescent plumes flying next to you. As the hummingbird gently flies away, you feel the urge to follow it. The hummingbird takes you to a cave whose mouth is in the shape of the flower.
  1. Allow the hummingbird to lead you inside the cave to the Flower World Paradise. Once inside, take a moment to experience this parallel world. Feel how all the beings in Flower World Paradise are connected through love.
  1. Choose one flower and open your heart to it. Imagine the flower before you is the same size as you. As you open your heart to the flower, you feel its essence like nectar flowing into your throat and to the rest of your body.
  1. Joyfully absorb the essence of the flower and notice the changes happening in your body on all levels. You then observe another incredible shift: the flower is changing too! Through the mutual heart connection, the flower is transforming in its shape, colour and subtle dimensions. You and the flower are in a co-evolution.
  1. Sense how the angelic network, elemental, fairy and spiritual beings all collaborate with the flowers co-creatively. Thank the flowers for their presence with us and carry with you their embodied wisdom like the sweetest fragrance to be shared with all life.

Sequence 3: Sowing Seeds of the Inner Earth Garden (proposed by Tea Golob)

Plants support the lives of countless living beings on our planet by not only offering us food and shelter but also transmitting a source of light into the embodied, physical world. Their spirits are deeply attuned to the current cosmic transformations in which Gaia is taking part. Thus they are significantly aiding the emergence of new consciousness. In the Inner Earth, where Gaia’s consciousness is embodied on the subtle elemental level through the dragoness forces that have yet to physically manifest, a new plant kingdom is arising. These plants offer us seeds of the New Earth, which can be sown through our awareness and brought to life the planet’s surface through our human consciousness. They invite us to actively take part in this process:

  1. Imagine yourself walking through the forest, where you come upon a circle of beech trees, a natural formation they often create. You step into the middle of the circle. Surrounded by trees, you feel a gentle pull downwards. If you find it challenging to descend into the Earth, call fairy beings to assist you. They have inspired this meditation and are more than happy to help us.
  1. You are taken into the miraculous place, called Inner Earth Garden. Look around you and sense the beauty of the plants growing in different sizes, shapes, and emitting unique scents. Attune to their energy, their spirits, feeling their subtle presence. By opening your heart, you are able to communicate with them. Listen to what they have to say to you.
  1. These plants produce a variety of fruits and seeds, generously offering you the opportunity to take some with you. Accept this gift with gratitude and keep it close to your heart.
  1. Now you can ascend back to the circle of trees where this journey began. In your daily life, you are invited to become aware of the seeds you hold close to your heart. Sow them in gardens, forests, meadows – wherever feels right to you.

Sequence 4: Unified Consciousness of Plants (proposed by Haro Wijnsouw)

During the Earthly transformation process, the existence of the plant world also changes. Even more than before it functions as one consciousness.

  1. Imagine you are a snake. Choose your preference: a thick colorful one, a thin gray one or maybe a black one.
  1. You crawl across the ground and find your way between the plants. Each scale on your skin functions as a satellite dish with which you can observe all the different plants, plant parts and plant beings with all their specific properties.
  1. Now notice how you withdraw yourself from the surrounding environment. It’s time to change your skin. You shed your old skin and leave it behind, like an old worn-out coat.
  1. You continue your way between the plants. You notice in your new form (your eyelids have also been renewed!) that the distinction between the different plants has disappeared into the background and the unified consciousness of the plants has come to the fore. The distinction between the plant beings also fades, they now emerge as one. At last, you experience how easily you connect with the sensitive existence of all plants, anywhere in this world.


  • Be aware that one of the purposes of participating in the telepathic workshops is to offer the opportunity to beings of other dimensions and worlds of Gaia to collaborate together with us humans on themes important to us all.
  • Take some moments to feel all those wonderful beings, and to express your gratitude.
  • Ask these beings and worlds to repeat (with us) these proposed exercises into the future, if they decide to do so.
  • Please repeat some of the sequences of the workshop according to your choice in the period between one and the next workshop. You can use them as part of your daily meditation.


 June 2024 LifeNet Telepathic Solstice Workshop: Grounding the Cosmic Feminine in the Embodied World

  • Sunday, June 23rd in the morning at 09.00

  • Wednesday, June 26th in the evening at 20.00

The workshop programme is available in several languages on the following websites: or


Grounding the Cosmic Feminine in the Embodied World

There is a new wave of revelation of the cosmic feminine on the way seeking to connect with Gaia. It is not Sophia but rather »her daughter« in the sense of a new generation of cosmic revelation that is of feminine nature. Let us ground the cosmic feminine in the embodied world.

This workshop is telepathic and we orientate ourselves according to the course of the Sun. That means no matter where the participant is located, the workshop always begins at the given time according to your local time zone.

If needed, review the Guidelines for Telepathic Workshops published on these two websites. Study the workshop plan beforehand and have it printed with you or available on your computer or phone, so that you can follow the sequences.

Since we each have different rhythms of how we engage in our spiritual work, take as much time as you need for each sequence.

Group Attunement

  • Be grounded in your heart and body and feel the presence of our group, which includes elemental, angelic and spiritual beings who support us.
  • Although we are spread widely around the world, we come together in our love for Gaia and our sense of shared responsibility for the life of Earth.

Sequence 1: The Daughter of Gaia (proposed by Marko Pogačnik)

The Daughter of Gaia means a new generation of Gaia’s presence. It is not Gaia as the mother of life, but the new Gaia who is ready to collaborate with the awakened human family to create a culture of peace and universal togetherness. She has a cosmic complement which can be imagined as the Daughter of Christ, representing a new wave of cosmic revelation that is feminine in its essence. I talk about the future coming of the Feminine Redeemer in my book “Daughter of Gaia” that appeared in 2001. This future is now. It can be clearly perceived since this May’s full moon.

  1. Imagine a cylinder of light standing upon your shoulders reaching high into the universe.
  1. A presence resembling a joyous little girl descends, dancing along this cylinder from the cosmic heights. Follow the descent of the Feminine Redeemer with your feelings.
  1. She lands upon your third eye system which is centered in the pineal gland in the middle of the head. Give yourself enough time to feel her presence within the aura of your head.
  1. Then change the perspective and look deep down towards the core of the Earth. There you see a fountain spouting pure water starting to emerge. Stay for a few moments with the feeling of water.
  1. The Daughter of Gaia dances joyously upon the ascending water of the fountain. The water rises high to the level of your knees. Feel the presence of the Daughter of Gaia dancing upon your knees, reaching up into your heart space.
  1. There in your heart space both girls (the Feminine Redeemer and the Daughter of Gaia) embrace each other, creating between them a green jewel. With its radiation the green jewel reaches into the last corner of the human family to inspire humanity to join the wave of universal change.

Sequence 2: The Cosmic Feminine and the Consciousness of Water (proposed by Tea Golob)

The feminine aspect of creation is intricately linked to the element of water. The new aspect of the Cosmic Feminine can be perceived by connecting to the spiritual essence of water and merging with its consciousness.

  1. Imagine Earth embraced by the ethereal layer of atmosphere, forming clouds of golden-pink light. The clouds are radiating pure unconditioned love, brimming with the new potentials of Earthly life.
  1. Feel your body while sitting or lying on the floor. Imagine stepping out of your body from behind, so you are now standing behind your physical form. In this state, you are present in the causal reality, where consciousness has not yet taken physical form. Raise your hands to the sky and open your palms in a receptive gesture.
  1. Soft, gentle drops are falling from the golden-pink clouds into your open palms. Feel yourself becoming infused with this ethereal water, filled with new potentials and unconditioned love.
  1. When you are joyfully immersed in this new water element, return to your physical body. Notice how your body responds to this experience.

Sequence 3: Trees Grounding Life in the Cosmic Feminine (proposed by Haro Wijnsouw)

In addition to their well-known ecological functions, trees play an indispensable role in the processing of energy flows between heaven and Earth. Since millions of years, trees have converted the excessively intense, high-frequency radiation into a form of energy suitable for life. In this time, they ground life in the appearance of the Cosmic Feminine. The intelligence of their heart field is essential in this process.

  1. Imagine that you are near a tree (choose your own tree species). Look around and admire its appearance and then allow yourself to be absorbed into the energy field of the tree. Notice how the tree fills you with its heart energy.
  1. The heart field of trees resonates strongly with the heart of Earth. Let yourself be carried by the root system, down through the soil to the core of the planet. There you discover the inner light of Earth, a light that is so strong that you can hardly process it. Realize that you are still connected to the heart field of the tree.
  1. Suddenly, you see how the powerful Earthly light breaks up into particles (or waves!). It ensures that the bright light becomes less intrusive. It is your heart field that now indicates how you can deal with the high-frequency radiation.
  1. Then you find yourself back in the heart field near the tree and this time its crown leads you up to the Sun. As the heart of the solar system, it radiates an overwhelming light (both visible sunlight and spiritual light). But again, you see how this light breaks down into particles. The intelligence of your heart field knows and feels how to handle this powerful light source.
  1. Finally, you are back by the tree and you hear the rustling of the leaves and smell its familiar scents. Realize that we humans need the trees to deal with all the Earthly changes. At the same time, they cannot be without our opening to the Earthly reality. Our hearts are permanently connecting us.

Sequence 4: Midsummer Dance with the Sidhe for the Return of the Dark Feminine (proposed by Ying Li)

The solstice opens a portal to attune to the cosmic cycles and wheels of life. The Sidhe (fairy beings) who are the queens and kings of co-creating with the full spectrum of light have long been mourning the rejection of the dark feminine from humanity’s consciousness. They now invite us to an important collaboration: to restore the dark feminine as a crucial aspect of the dragoness and cosmic dancer.

  1. Imagine it is evening and you are sitting in a completely serene place in nature. A cool breeze passes through the air and you notice there is a dark, sparkling cape on the ground. Accept this cape and gently wrap it around you. Then slowly stand up and feel the presence of the Sidhe around you.
  1. You are being invited into a sacred dance of the midsummer night. Bow to the Sidhe and make soft graceful movements. At one moment you open your arms and many black birds fly out from your heart into the sky.
  1. The divine dark feminine is being freed! In the far distance there is a tower where the dark feminine has been imprisoned by humanity’s rejection of sacredness within the Earth, the unknown and decomposition. As the black birds soar into the sky and you dance with the Sidhe, you now see the tower crumbling.
  1. Observe the faces and forms of the dark feminine emerging from the crumbling tower, particularly those who have been demonised- Baba Yaga, witches, Medusa, the 13th Fairy and others. The liberated dark feminine is rejoining her cosmic self and flowing into the embodied worlds. Feel the power of your dance infused with the field of the cosmic dark goddess.
  1. Bring the dance to a close by coming to stillness. Feel the magic of the night pour into your body like liquid stars. Notice how a new level of love and cooperation has been awakened between humanity, the Sidhe and all the beings of the Earthly universe.


  • Be aware that one of the purposes of participating in the telepathic workshops is to offer the opportunity to beings of other dimensions and worlds of Gaia to collaborate together with us humans on themes important to us all.
  • Take some moments to feel all those wonderful beings, and to express your gratitude.
  • Ask these beings and worlds to repeat (with us) these proposed exercises into the future, if they decide to do so.
  • Please repeat some of the sequences of the workshop according to your choice in the period between one and the next workshop. You can use them as part of your daily meditation.

May 2024 LifeNet Telepathic Workshop: Transformation of the Elements

  • Sunday, May 26 at 9:00 am (in the morning)

  • Tuesday, May 28 at 8:00 pm (in the evening)

The workshop programme is available in several languages on the following websites: or

Transformation of the Elements

Earth Change carries through to all aspects of existence. In this way, the elemental world also undergoes a drastic change. Or seen from another point of view: without the transformation of the elemental world, there wouldn’t be an Earthly evolutionary leap.

This workshop is telepathic and we orientate ourselves according to the course of the Sun. That means no matter where the participant is located, the workshop always begins at the given time according to your local time zone.

If needed, review the Guidelines for Telepathic Workshops published on these two websites. Study the workshop plan beforehand and have it printed with you or available on your computer or phone, so that you can follow the sequences.

Since we each have different rhythms of how we engage in our spiritual work, take as much time as you need for each sequence.

Group Attunement

  • Be grounded in your heart and body and feel the presence of our group, which includes elemental, angelic and spiritual beings who support us.
  • Although we are spread widely around the world, we come together in our love for Gaia and our sense of shared responsibility for the life of Earth.

Sequence 1: Drinking Water from the Ethereal Source (proposed by Haro Wijnsouw)

Transparency is an indispensable quality in the transformation process of the Earth. It ensures that the elements open up and that the connections between the different dimensions run more smoothly. The ethereal beings have traditionally provided transparency, but we humans play a prominent role in distributing this quality during the Earthly changes.

  1. You are walking through a forest. You follow a babbling brook until you finally reach the source. The atmosphere is dense and ethereal at the same time. The water carefully seeps out of a crack in the rock. With one hand you feel the cool water, with the other you lean on the damp earth. You breathe the fresh air and the soft sunlight warms your back.
  2. The bottom of the place is covered with a carpet of Chrysoplenium. The golden yellow leaves of this low plant are arranged in pairs opposite each other and it unfold first to one side and then to the other. The plant being takes you further into it and suddenly you notice that, like turning a golden key, the space opens up.
  3. You look up and you are in the ethereal dimension of the place. The moist forest floor, the drops of water, the soft sunlight, even the fresh air, is all transparent. Ethereal beings come to the fore and invite you to a round dance and to sing their conjuring chants.
  4. At a certain point you notice that you withdraw into yourself, into the essence of being human. You then return to the ethereal world of the place and invite the ethereal beings to join you.
  5. Together, you walk through the forest and all the trees, rocks and animals become transparent by your presence. You enter a village and all the people, houses and cars become transparent. The factories, sports stadiums, even the hamburger restaurants are becoming transparent. Ultimately, you enter the dense energy field of humanity. This field also becomes transparent.
  6. Finally you are back at the source. The fairies offer you a gift. You drink the spring water and you become completely transparent. Now you are an ethereal source yourself!

Sequence 2: Co-creating the Songs of Gaia Culture (proposed by Ying Li)

For eons the plants and minerals have anchored the Earth’s fields of peace, and the dolphins and whales have been the keepers of Earth’s sacred songs. As we attune to the melodies of Gaia’s evolution, we hear her call for all beings to participate in the grand orchestra of loving coexistence. The misused aspect of the fire element is being transformed and Gaia sparks are supporting us to incorporate the chords of Gaia’s songs into our hearts.

  1. Imagine a divine feminine being holding an exquisite etheric violin. She is Gaia, the creatrix of all life. Sense her as an all-loving virtuoso playing chords of light and sound.
  1. Feel how Gaia’s heart is guiding the movement of her bow. Each string on the violin is connected to one of the Earthly evolutions. Gaia and her elemental helpers slide the bow over the violin strings, manifesting the wondrous melodies of life.
  1. But one of the violin strings connected to humanity has become brittle from the dominance of rationality, patriarchy and the overuse of firepower for material and selfish gains. Imagine that the friction over the brittle violin string stirs an eruption of many little sparks- Gaia sparks.
  1. Notice how Gaia sparks are dancing over the violin. Part of these sparks are the primeval fire beings who co-create all aspects of light and darkness within the Earthly universe. Imagine Gaia sparks renewing the violin strings, so that they are strong and supple for receiving the bow of Gaia.
  1. Feel the unique vibrations emerging from Gaia’s violin, creating beautiful tunes never heard before in the universe. These are the songs of Gaia culture. Listen to the melodies arising in your heart and take a moment now to hum or sing them.
  1. Sense the remarkable levels of cooperation blossoming between all beings of embodied life. Trees, plants, fungi, animals, insects, mountains, stones, rivers, lakes, seas, oceans and humans are now all attuning to each other and to Gaia. Feel the invisible beings of the angelic, elemental, fairy and spiritual realms floating on the light and sound chords, singing along with us the new Earth songs.

Sequence 3: Elemental Beings Coming Closer (proposed by Marko Pogačnik)

Elemental beings make possible that plants, animals, minerals and human beings can appear in a materialized body – a work that needs to be renewed in each subsequent moment. To be able to accomplish it, they are supported by a primeval power and wisdom of creation: a relative to the world of dragons, called “dragoness”. It is a feminine atomic power that nourishes the Four Elements (Water, Fire, Earth, Air) and their elemental beings with the vital powers needed for their work of manifesting daily reality.

But there is a change going on. The dragoness comes closer to the elemental world. Consequently, the elemental beings can come closer to the embodied reality. The field of communication and cooperation pulsating between elemental and human beings now becomes much more alive.

  1. Be aware that you stand in a large circle together with different beings of the embodied world like trees, mountains, animals… Touch some of them lovingly with your awareness.
  1. Then imagine stepping one step back with the left foot so that during that step you also go deeper into the Earth.
  1. You find yourself now in the world of the elemental beings. Get a sense of their presence in general and then focus upon some of them who feel closer to you, perhaps because they welcome you.
  1. Then do another step backward with the left foot so that during that step you go much deeper to the inside of the Earth. You have arrived now in the space of the dragoness. Be aware that the dragoness is a collective cosmic being. Feel her presence around you.
  1. Now make a large step forward and upward with the right foot so that you appear again at the level of the elemental beings. While doing that step you should take the presence of the dragoness with you.
  1. As a consequence, the elemental beings can also make a step forward and appear at the threshold of the embodied world.
  1. Be there and look consciously around because you may detect the presence of a dwarf or a nymph close to your everyday reality.

Sequence 4: New Life Forms Emerging (proposed by Tea Golob)

The contemporary shifts in Earth’s consciousness are bringing profound transformations in the subtle and material realms. Recently, a scientific discovery has revealed the existence of entirely new cells in the sea, arising from the fusion of two beings, which has resulted in the creation of a completely novel cell. This phenomenon has only happened twice so far. The first such change facilitated cellular respiration and paved grounds for the majority of living organisms, including humans. The second one made photosynthesis possible and enabled the plant kingdom to exist. The third one brings changes we are yet to comprehend.

Let us feel these changes within our bodies. Let us attune ourselves to the emergence of new life forms at the elemental levels, discerning how we as humans, can contribute to these changes with our awareness, and our intention to embody love and compassion.

  1. Be aware of your body, imagining and feeling all the cells which compose your body tissues. They are living beings expressing the creative powers of Gaia. Open up to their vibration, feeling how they constantly communicate on the elemental level to maintain the balance of your bodily existence. With your loving awareness, you can directly communicate with them as well.
  1. Become aware of your skin, forming the outer layer of your body. Feel that on the elemental level there exist no true boundaries; rather there is a constant communication on the atomic level vibrating on different scales. Merge with all the surroundings and become one with everything.
  1. Now attune to the primeval powers of Gaia, her dragoness power. Feel how those powers pulsate within your body and beyond. Open up to the new vibrations arising and attune to them with love and compassion. Sense the unfolding of new life, feeling that you are an integral part of this miraculous process.


  • Be aware that one of the purposes of participating in the telepathic workshops is to offer the opportunity to beings of other dimensions and worlds of Gaia to collaborate together with us humans on themes important to us all.
  • Take some moments to feel all those wonderful beings, and to express your gratitude.
  • Ask these beings and worlds to repeat (with us) these proposed exercises into the future, if they decide to do so.

Please repeat some of the sequences of the workshop according to your choice in the period between one and the next workshop. You can use them as part of your daily meditation.


April 2024 LifeNet Telepathic Workshop

Sunday, April 28th at 9 am

Tuesday, April 30th at 8 pm


A Critical Moment in Our Relationship with Gaia

This workshop is about the relationship of humanity with Gaia. It was inspired by a message from Gaia received by our translator into Jewish Michal Yakir.

“Human beings
Your faces are always turned forward, to the stars
Do not leave me behind your back as you evolve
Carry me in your awareness
With you
As we are one
Otherwise the highest mission of transforming matter into love
Will be lost again”

 The workshop program can be found in different languages on these web pages: or .

  • This workshop is telepathic and we orientate ourselves according to the course of the Sun. That means no matter where the participant is located, the workshop always begins at the given time according to your local time zone.
  • If needed, review the Guidelines for Telepathic Workshops published on these two websites. Study the workshop plan beforehand and have it printed with you or available on your computer or phone, so that you can follow the sequences.
  • Since we each have different rhythms of how we engage in our spiritual work, take as much time as you need for each sequence.

Group attunement

  • Be grounded in your heart and body and feel the presence of our group, which includes elemental, angelic and spiritual beings who support us.
  • Although we are spread widely around the world, we come together in our love for Gaia and our sense of shared responsibility for the life of Earth.

 Sequence 1: The plea of Gaia (proposed by Marko Pogačnik)

The message received by Michal Yakir makes us aware that through the extensive implementation of rational approach to all areas of life and technology the Earth is being secretly deprived of its true nature and the purpose of its existence. A cosmic rape is under way. The following exercise is meant to inspire human beings to return to the path that Gaia and its elemental worlds have prepared for us all to work on “transforming matter into love”.

  1. Imagine the Tree of Life in its beauty and aliveness extending through all areas of Gaia’s universe. Take enough time to feel its presence.
  2. Suddenly you realize that one of its branches extends far away from the tree. The branch feels dark as if deprived of the life force.
  3. Following that branch in your imagination you realize that it leads into a huge complicated laboratory. There the golden sap of life is used to build space ships using artificial brain.
  4. Grab that branch and carry it in a large bow back to its original place within Gaia’s Tree of Life. See how fresh leaves appear and flowers open.
  5. Anchor its presence within your heart space so that it can not be captured for purposes foreign to life eternal.
  6. Create a luminous sphere of protection around Gaia’s Tree of Life to make sure that none of its branches can be used for selfish purposes of human race.
  7. Imagine us all collaborating to give hands and dance around Gaia’s Tree of Life.

Sequence 2: Attuning to the Earth’s life-giving network (proposed by Tea Golob)

Everything on the Earth, seen or unseen, is entangled in the secrecy of Gaia’s divine creative forces. Let us attune to these primordial life-giving forces that beckon us to connect to the planet’s vast network, akin to the celestial world wide web (www), and thereby to revive our awareness of interconnectedness. Through embracing this profound sense of entwinement, we can unveil our unique individual purpose as both earthly beings and celestial entities inhabiting this amazing planet. Through this interconnectedness, only peace, love and cooperation can manifest.

  1. Imagine yourself walking through the ancient forest. The gentle sway of tree canopies whispers in the wind, you hear birds singing, and distant echoes of wild animals joyfully roaming around.  You are safe and supported in this natural sanctuary.
  1. You come to the beautiful forest glade, the grass beneath your feet is a plush carpet full of flowers. You settle into the hearth of  the serene clearing, enjoying the caress of sunbeams.
  1. You become aware that you are seated within a circle of mushrooms of various shapes and colours. You touch them with your hands, feeling an inexplicable magnetic pull that seems to connect you to the roots of these fungi. You delve deep down into the vast mycelium network that intricately links all the minerals, plants, animals – and yourself. Attune to the highly evolved elemental beings that resonate with this vast network of life.
  1. Allow yourself to listen, feel, and sense all the emotions and information flowing through you, intertwining not only with the forest, but with the whole planet, with the whole universe of Gaia. In this magical moment of interconnectedness, embrace gratitude for all that you experience.

Sequence 3: Birth of Elemental Angels (proposed by Ying Li)

Every birth is a cosmic event, a passage through Gaia’s gateways of love. By attuning to Gaia’s heart, we learn that the precious gift of life is not only bestowed upon the biological kingdoms such as humans, animals and plants. The seeding of divine consciousness within mountains, oceans and wide areas enables the angelic and elemental beings to co-create vibrant aliveness in diverse landscapes.

1. Gently cup your hands in front of your heart space and imagine there is a single sparkling grain of sand between your hands. This grain of sand is the I AM presence, a fractal of Gaia’s will to be.

2. Slowly open your hands and allow the grain of sand to drop into your pelvis. Your pelvis is like a chalice full of Earth’s waters. The moment the grain of sand touches your pelvic waters, waves of Gaia’s love spread across your multidimensional body.

3. Take a moment to sense the tremendous power of Gaia’s heart, which enables life to be nourished and worlds to be created. Through the explosion of love in Gaia’s heart, she draws in beings from the angelic realm to become devas in her landscapes.

4. Feel how the beings of the angelic network are birthed as elemental angels within mountains, lakes, deserts and seas. Sense their bliss as they embark on the experience of collaborating with Gaia and her co-evolutions.

5. Now see the sparkling grain nestled within your heart as a fractal of Gaia’s heart within you. As you feel the waves of love’s creative power, give thanks for all the elemental beings who uphold life within our Earthly paradise.

Sequence 4: Humanity as an expression of Gaia in the Universe (proposed by Haro Wijnsouw)

Humanity’s destiny lies in the Universe. However, if we take this step apart from Gaia, we become a purely rational and perhaps artificial being, lost in our own imaginations in a lifeless universe. Our real role lies in spreading the deep earthly wisdom.

  1. You are, just like during the March workshop, in an unspecified location in Ukraine, far from the violence of war. The bottom opens again, making the Earth’s inner Sun visible. This time, however, the Moon moves in front of the Sun, a complete solar eclipse takes place.
  2. The inner solar eclipse brings Earth’s inner Milky Way into the foreground. You are surrounded by twinkling stars. In you the inner Milky Way and the Milky Way in the sky become one.
  3. Notice that through this union Gaia grows into the Milky Way. However, at some point it stops growing. Something is holding back further expression in the Universe.
  4. You are now on top of Mount Sinai in Egypt and you are fulfilled by the inexhaustible power of Gaia speaking through this mountain. It is night and you are surrounded by the sparkling stars. Bring your hands in front of your heart, then spread your arms and legs as wide as possible. Notice how through this movement Gaia grows further into the vast Universe.


  • Be aware that one of the purposes of participating in the telepathic workshops is to offer the opportunity to beings of other dimensions and worlds of Gaia to collaborate together with us humans on themes important to us all.
  • Take some moments to feel all those wonderful beings, and to express your gratitude.
  • Ask these beings and worlds to repeat (with us) these proposed exercises into the future, if they decide to do so.



March 2024 LifeNet Telepathic Workshop

Emerging Heart Systems

  • Saturday, March 23rd at 9 a.m.
  • Wednesday, March 27th at 8 p.m.

The workshop programme can be found in different languages on the following websites: or

This workshop is telepathic and we orientate ourselves according to the course of the Sun. That means no matter where the participant is located, the workshop always begins at the given time according to your local time zone.

If needed, review the Guidelines for Telepathic Workshops published on these two websites. Study the workshop plan beforehand and have it printed with you or available on your computer or phone, so that you can follow the sequences.

Since we each have different rhythms of how we engage in our spiritual work, take as much time as you need for each sequence.

Group attunement

Be grounded in your heart and body and feel the presence of our group, which includes elemental, angelic and spiritual beings who support us.

Although we are spread widely around the world, we come together in our love for Gaia and our sense of shared responsibility for the life of Earth.

Sequence 1: The Golden Egg of Embodied Love (proposed by Ying Li)

The equinox opens a doorway to perfect balance between night and day, yin and yang, receptivity and activity, feminine and masculine. As we cross this threshold, one of the strongest emerging heart fields for humanity at this moment is the rebirth of embodied love. Gaia and her elemental helpers are inviting us to discover this treasure within ourselves.

  1. Imagine you are peacefully sleeping in a grassy field, and beings from the invisible realm (elementals, fairies, spiritual beings and angels) wake you up and say, “It is time to go Easter egg hunting.” Will you take this invitation? Yes, you decide to go!
  2. As you walk through the field, you start to see brightly colored little eggs hidden in the grass. You do not pick up the eggs, but each one warms your heart, and tells you that you are going the right way. You continue to follow the trail of eggs. The trail leads you inside a forest.
  3. Inside the forest, the last egg on the trail brings you to a giant flower which is open like a large chair. You feel it is an invitation to sit on the throne of petals. You gently climb on and take your seat inside the flower.
  4. As you are sitting, you become aware of a golden egg growing inside your heart. The egg expands so that it fills all of your torso. The top part of the egg touches your heart center and the bottom part of the egg envelopes your sexual organs and lower pelvic organs.
  5. Take a moment to feel the golden egg merging your heart field with the sensual and sexual centres of your embodied being. The golden egg holds the keys to love as the divine creative force. The egg now infuses all the cells of your body with golden light.
  6. Feel the force of embodied love resurrecting in all of humanity, joyously uniting Christ and Sophia consciousness. Broken pathways between the heart and other organs of the body are now being healed. Sense how new pathways of love are manifesting in creative forms throughout the world!

Sequence 2: Connecting with One heart (proposed by Tea Golob)

Our body has its own heart system composed of not only the physical heart organ but of different subtle aspects related to our spiritual, emotional, energetical, and elemental layers of existence. Landscapes also have their own heart systems. Earth has her respective heart system, the galaxy has its heart system, and so on…. But ultimately, within all of us, there is the beat of the One Heart, of the Source. Let us raise the awareness of this Oneness within us so we can bring harmony and love into every aspect of our existence.

  1. Feel your body, your arms, legs, your back… feel the skin surrounding your body, your internal organs. Take time to feel all the integral parts of your body. Each part is composed of cells. And there are so many of them, more than you can count. Sense your body as a galaxy of cells. Each cell is a living being. And listen – the beat of your heart echoes in every single cell. With your heartbeat, all these cells work in unison, in harmony, connected into wijnsouwone body.
  2. Direct your awareness to the planet Earth. To beautiful mountains, plants, waters, underground caves, animals, people, innumerable subtle beings… Take time to feel how we are all integral parts of the Earth. And listen: In each one of us there is an echo of her heartbeat. Feel that unison, harmony, how we are all connected through that sound into one. And the beat gets stronger each time you place your awareness into it.
  3. The Earth is a part of the solar system, our Sun system is a part of the Milky Way galaxy, and there is an unimaginable network of all the celestial bodies. Try to expand your awareness into this massive body of the Universe. And listen: In each part of it, there is a sound of the One Heart. Feel that beat. Become aware of this sound within the Earth, within your body, within your cells.

Sequence 3: The Purifying Solar Heart (proposed by Haro Wijnsouw)

The transformation process of the Earth is taking place right down to the core of existence. The Sun, as the heart of the solar system, plays a determining role in this. In Ukraine, the sun’s heart is reflected in the landscape.

  1. Imagine you are in an unspecified place in Ukraine, far from the violence of war.
  2. You notice that the world’s oceans rise high above the continents, but without flooding the land.
  3. The Earth opens and you see the inner Sun of the planet appear. Meanwhile, remain aware of the presence of the body of water around you.
  4. The fire of the inner Sun purifies you – not only your energy field and your sensory and inner life, but also and especially your old, tired heart. Give this purification process time.
  5. Your purified heart occupies a new space – ethereal and omnipresent. Finally, notice how in your expanded heart the inner Sun of the Earth and the outer Sun in the sky are united!

Sequence 4: Awakening the Inner Power of Love (proposed by Marko Pogačnik)

The absence of love in our relationships within our human society is extraordinarily and powerfully destructive. At each step we are surrounded by a cold artificial intelligence that only knows and operates on an inhuman logical order. As an obvious consequence we, and all life on the planet, are threatened by chaotic and seemingly endless, inhumane wars. The healing power of love is desperately needed.

  1. Imagine the common image of a red heart within your chest. Bring it alive by imagining that it is composed of a multitude of tiny red ruby crystals. Feel the presence and power of your heart.
  2. Then turn this image of the heart around from left to right – or in the opposite direction if you wish.
  3. You have now entered the back space of your heart, its causal space. Be aware that stored in this back space are the most precious potentials of your heart system – how do you feel their presence?
  4. Now make a second turning of the heart in the same direction as you did before. (This time it is a full circular turning!)
  5. Through the second turning you have activated the cosmic dimension of your heart system. This activated dimension is not intended for your personal delight. Its purpose is to enable you to contribute to peace on Earth, and to all the many human and divine qualities that can and should be normal in our collective and shared experience of this Earthly paradise.
  6. Now connect to all the other LifeNet individuals and groups who are meditating with us. Be sure to include the beings of other realms that collaborate in our silent activities.
  7. Together we create a large and expansive field of active and deeply grounded love, capable of entering even the tiniest openings of our human emotional sphere. The purpose of this love is to inspire the inner changes that are needed now so that humanity can evolve and continue with the new steps of Gaia’s transformation process.


  1. Please repeat some of the sequences of the workshop according to your choice in the period between one and the next workshop. You can use them as part of your daily meditation.
  2. Be aware that one of the purposes of participating in the telepathic workshops is to offer the opportunity to beings of other dimensions and worlds of Gaia to collaborate together with us humans on themes important to us all.
  3. Take some moments to feel all those wonderful beings, and to express your gratitude.
  4. Ask these beings and worlds to repeat (with us) these proposed exercises into the future, if they decide to do so.

February 2024 LifeNet Telepathic Workshop

Renewing the Peace Matrix

  • Saturday, February 17th at 9 a.m.

  • Tuesday, February 20th at 8 p.m.

The workshop programme can be found in different languages on the following websites: or

This workshop is telepathic and we orientate ourselves according to the course of the Sun. This means that no matter where the participant is located, the workshop will always begin at the given time according to your local time zone.

If needed, review the Guidelines for Telepathic Workshops published on these two websites. Study the workshop plan beforehand and have it printed with you or available on your computer or phone, so that you can follow the sequences.

Since we all have different rhythms of how we engage in our spiritual work, take as much time as you need for each sequence.

Group Attunement

Be grounded in your heart and body and feel the presence of our group, which includes elemental, angelic and spiritual beings who support us.

Although we are spread widely around the world, we come together in our love for Gaia and our sense of shared responsibility for the life of Earth.

Sequence 1: Butterflies of Peace (proposed by Tea Golob)

One of the ways we can contribute to the matrix of peace is to restore calmness, compassion, and love within ourselves. When we are encumbered with negative emotions, such as fear, sadness and anger there is little room for harmony, joy and peace. Let us open ourselves to new possibilities of transformation and unfurl wings of change! Let us trust that change is possible – though it is a demanding task. By changing ourselves, we can initiate a colossal change. And know how strong we are together!

  1. Imagine you are standing in front of a big oak tree. Its roots are broad and reach deep down into the Earth, right to the core of the planet. Its branches are wide and go up to the sky, illuminated by the sun’s golden rays.
  2. Sit next to its trunk. Lean against the tree. Feel how supported and safe you are by its strength, power and wisdom. Now, allow yourself to feel all the tensions within your body, all the sadness in your heart, and the worries and fears in your mind. Observe how they appear to you – perhaps in different colors or shapes – or you may feel them as pain in different parts of your body – or maybe you can even smell them. Regardless of the way you feel and perceive those emotions, simply observe them.
  3. Now feel how the oak tree stretches out one of its branches, and gently lifts you to the top of its canopy. You can feel the air and the warmth of the sun. The tree softly envelops you in a cocoon with its leaves. You feel relaxed, and safe. Sense how the warmth and the light from the sun dissipates all the sadness, fears and anger from you. Just let them go.
  4. Then the leaves of the mighty oak unfold, and you feel how much lighter you are. And now you have wings on your back, just like a butterfly. Observe and feel your beautiful wings, shimmering in colors. Fill yourself with gratitude, happiness, love. Joyfully fly into the sky. And you are not alone. There are also others, just like you, with new butterfly wings, light-heartedly flying with you. What a magnificent butterfly effect this is!

Sequence 2: Asking the Universe to Support Peace on Earth (proposed by Marko Pogačnik)

The loss of peace all over planet Earth has become so dramatic that we have the responsibility and right to ask for cosmic peace support. In some Slavic languages the Universe is called “All-Peace.” In Slovenian the word is “Vse-mirje”.)

  1. Imagine the universe as a gigantic ocean of peace. Feel its powerful motions that create cosmic harmonies.
  2. Be centered in your heart, and ensure that you are personally in peace with yourself and with your environment. Touch different levels within your being, and remove any obstacles preventing the anchoring of peace within you.
  3. In this way you create a sphere of peace within the central space of your body. Locate this sphere more precisely within you.
  4. Now send the sphere of peace that you have created in a large arc into and through the Universe. The path of the arc leads from the front of your body through the Universe to the rear of your back.
  5. On its way through the organism of the Universe your sphere of peace is nourished with cosmic peace impulses, gifts of different star and planetary systems.
  6. Arriving at the Earth plane far behind your back, the path of your sphere of peace continues underground, and becomes in attunement with the vibration of Gaia.
  7. Finally (still following the arc) your sphere of peace, in harmony with Gaia, pours out into the Earth’s atmosphere in the form of innumerable tiny peace spheres distributed along the planetary spaces, touching and enfolding the hearts of people who have forgotten that peace is the most precious form of being and existence, individually and collectively.

Sequence 3: Regeneration through the Inner Placenta (proposed by Ying Li)

Every being birthed upon Earth is endowed with a divine impulse of life from Gaia. The placenta is our first friend, the support and nourishment from which we grow into embodied form. Even when the material placenta is decomposed, the subtle placenta continues to exist, infusing us with Gaia’s primal ignition. When pain and trauma distort personal, collective and universal matrices of peace we can return to the archetypal placental being to restore harmony.

  1. Breathe into your heart and imagine a spiral circling around your body. The spiral then lands on your navel center. From here you sense an inner spiral winding through an etheric umbilical cord which leads you to Earth’s placenta.
  1. Take a moment to connect to and experience Earth’s subtle body placenta. The organ is interwoven with elemental, angelic and dragon forces, like infinite shimmering vessels which bring life into form.
  1. Be aware that every landscape has its own placenta which holds a reservoir of life-giving pulsations. In places which have been ravaged by war and other forms of devastation, the placenta serves the vital function of holding the divine codes which enable life to continually renew, in harmony and peace.
  1. Next bring into your heart a place or situation which is in need of reconnection to the peace matrix. Travel with your imagination through the umbilical cord to the inner placenta related to these circumstances.
  1. Sense the harmonic blueprints which are emerging from this embryonic place of trust. Feel the growth and regeneration occurring from deep peace and love without limits.
  1. This primal ignition is a passage from the causal dimension to manifest form. As you connect with the placental state, notice how your body is being charged with Gaia sparks of vitality.


  1. Please repeat some of the sequences of the workshop according to your choice in the period between one and the next workshop. You can use them as part of your daily meditation.
  2. Be aware that one of the purposes of participating in the telepathic workshops is to offer the opportunity to beings of other dimensions and worlds of Gaia to collaborate together with us humans on themes important to us all.
  3. Take some moments to feel all those wonderful beings, and to express your gratitude.
  4. Ask these beings and worlds to repeat (with us) these proposed exercises into the future, if they decide to do so.


  • Sunday October 22th in the morning at 09.00

  • Tuesday, October 24th in the evening at 20.00

The workshop program can be found in different languages on these web pages: or

This workshop is telepathic and we orientate ourselves according to the course of the Sun. That means no matter where the participant is located, the workshop always begins at the given time according to your local time zone.
If needed, review the Guidelines for Telepathic Workshops published on these two websites. Study the workshop plan beforehand and have it printed with you or available on your computer or phone, so that you can follow the sequences.
Since we each have different rhythms of how we engage in our spiritual work, take as much time as you need for each sequence.

Group attunement

Be grounded in your heart and body and feel the presence of our group, which includes elemental, angelic and spiritual beings who support us.
Although we are spread widely around the world, we come together in our love for Gaia and our sense of shared responsibility for the life of Earth.

Sequence1: AN URGENT MEDITATION AND RESPONSE REGARDING THE RECENT WAR IN THE NEAR EAST (created by Ying Li, Tea Golob, Leslie Luchonok, Marko Pogačnik)

The recent outbreak of conflict and war in the Near East calls for our immediate and urgent response to the unprecedented violence and suffering in the lands of Palestine and Israel. War is not and can never be the solution to the conflict and strife that has plagued the people and lands of this area for centuries. We must find the inner resources and unity to collaborate with one another and multidimensional worlds to bring peace and healing to these lands and people – and indeed to all of Gaia.

  • Go within and find and rest in the sacred place of peace within your inner worlds.
  • Now with this experience of the treasure of peace within you, expand its quality into your environment and beyond.

Any war with its excessive fire makes the land and human hearts extremely dry.

  • Imagine open channels leading from the Mediterranean, the Sea of Galilee, the Dead Sea and the Red Sea so that their life- giving waters can flow and flood the places of war in the Near East.
  • Feel how the subtle quality of water softens the hearts of all involved – yourself included – and enables all to reconnect with their inner child.

Each war brings to the surface unresolved conflicts that often reach back in history as far as the fall of Atlantis. They are knots of pain and suffering that need to be transformed and purified within Gaia’s Universe.

  • While bombs fall upon the lands of Israel and Palestine, let us imagine the opposite: visualize balls of condensed pain and suffering appearing out of the ground and ascending high into the atmosphere.
  • There each of those balls is embraced by subtle beings with the capacity to transform their dark substance into transcendent Doves of Peace.
  • Imagine those Doves of Peace flying over the continents of the Earth spreading seeds of peace everywhere.

Sequence 2: Crystal network (created by Haro Wijnsouw)

During the transformation process of the Earth, our perception of wholeness changes. Boundaries are becoming more fluid, opposites switch places according to the need of the moment, and the consciousness of the planet smoothly merges into Universal consciousness.

By nature, a crystal reflects wholeness. It mirrors existence in the infinite and all-encompassing. Even the characteristics of a crystal are no longer what they were. Its expanded qualities bring the experience of wholeness in a new, non-linear way.

Part 1

  1. Imagine yourself in the middle of a rock crystal (you can also imagine a diamond, which is more uniform in its functioning).
  2. Notice how the rock crystal reflects your being an infinite number of times in the Universe.
  3. You become one with the Universe.

Part 2
In the region of Kaluga in Russia, the qualities of the crystal are expressed naturally and powerfully. A transformation process also took place here. There, the vast forests and the River Ugra bring the expanded qualities of a crystal into the landscape.

  1. Focus on the landscape of the River Ugra and the region of Kaluga. To do this, tune into a picture or photo of the area, the name of the river or use a map.
  2. Imagine yourself in the middle of this landscape.
  3. Notice the same infinite reflection of yourself in the Universe as you did with the rock crystal.

Part 3
The consciousness of the continent of Europe also has a perception of wholeness.

  1. Tune into the continent of Europe (sometimes referred to as Europa). Use a map, the name Europe, or connect directly to the continent’s energy field.
  2. Imagine Europe in the midst of a rock crystal (or a diamond).
  3. Notice how the rock crystal reflects Europe an infinite number of times in the Universe. Europe is one with the Universe.

Part 4
During the past LifeNet gathering, our visit to and presence caused the heart of Europe in Externsteine to expand. The continent has been bathed in a receptive and unconditional atmosphere of wholeness ever since. This expansion of the European heart has created the conditions for the expansion of our experience of wholeness.

  1. Tune in again to Europe.
  2. Imagine Europe in the midst of the landscape of Ugra-Kaluga.
  3. Notice the infinite reflection of Europe in the Universe.
  4. How do you experience wholeness in Europe at this moment?

Sequence 3: A new way of grounding (created by Marko Pogačnik)

During the intense flow of changes now underway it is important that we are not too fixed in grounding ourselves so we do not obstruct the ongoing flow of transformations. Here is a proposal to ground ourselves in the element of Water. Water is a strong but fluid Element.

  1. Be aware of the earthly sphere centered around your coccyx area. Feel its presence within the lower part of your body.
  2. Then become aware of the cosmic sphere centered above your head. Feel its presence touching the upper part of your body.
  3. Then lift the earthly sphere up to your crown chakra – and even beyond. The cosmic sphere should be lowered down to the level of coccyx – and even beyond.
  4. While doing this up and down movement a space has been created in the sphere of your heart. Imagine that a river is flowing horizontally through this created space.
  5. Imagine yourself swimming in this river as a happy fish. Be aware how it feels to be grounded in the Water Element.


  1. Be aware that one of the purposes of participating in the telepathic workshops is to offer the opportunity to beings of other dimensions and worlds of Gaia to collaborate together with us humans on themes important to us all.
  2. Take some moments to feel all those wonderful beings, and to express your gratitude.
  3. Ask these beings and worlds to repeat (with us) these proposed exercises into the future, if they are free to do so.



Autumn Equinox Telepathic Workshop 2023

  • Sunday September 17th at 9:00 in the MORNING
  • Tuesday, September 19th at 20:00 in the EVENING

The workshop program can be found in different languages on these web pages: or

This workshop is telepathic and we orientate ourselves according to the course of the Sun. That means no matter where the participant is located, the workshop always begins at the given time according to your local time zone.

Since we each have different rhythms of how we engage in our spiritual work we no longer need to propose specific timeframes for each exercise of the workshop. Take as much time as you need for each sequence.

Group attunement

Be grounded in your heart and body and feel the presence of our group, which includes elemental, angelic and spiritual beings who support us. Although we are spread widely around the world, we come together in our love for Gaia and our sense of shared responsibility for the life of Earth.

Sequence 1: The blessing of water (created by Tea Golob)

  1. Stand or sit down with your spine straight. Open your heart space – you perceive a soft waterfall of golden white water gently pouring from above, creating a shining pond below it.
  2. Step into this pond, raise and cup your hands, fill them with the water and pour it over the top of your head. Feel how the droplets of the water merge with every cell in your body, infusing them with the white light and power. Become aware of each cell in your body, dive into the subatomic level, and observe this watery light shining on a macroscopic, quantum level. You feel your body is like a composition of infinite galaxies.
  3. Now, be aware of your whole body. Step directly under the waterfall. Like a seed, you are able to grow. You are expanding wider and larger, until you become the whole Earth. Observe how all the beings, trees, plants, animals and elementals are a part of you. Water is feeding your entire body, enabling all and everything to be wonderfully alive. You expand larger and larger, beyond the solar system and galaxies, and merge with them, all the way to infinity.
  4. Next you come to the source of the waterfall. You see a shining portal and step into the white light. You feel completely fulfilled, calm, safe, loved. You then return to the shining pond. Once again you are holding the shining droplets of the water in your hands – you become aware that your own light and power feeds and nourishes all life.

Sequence 2: The seven swords in the heart of the Holy Mary (created by Marko Pogačnik)

During the Journey of Peace following the 2023 LifeNet Gathering a group travelled (on a bus and as well as telepathically) towards Eastern Europe. We became aware that there is a blockage in this direction – the participation of the eastern countries at the Gathering was minimal. Marko saw the blockage as a revival of the Iron Curtain that the Soviet Union created after the Second World War. It was dismantled around 1990. However, with the onset of the war in Ukraine the Iron Curtain was re-established by the western countries. Since the European East is closely related to the loving powers of the Holy Mary, we associated this Iron Curtain to the traditional image of Holy Mary with seven swords piercing her heart. The travelling group removed those swords from her heart during a ritual in the St. Michael Basilica in Hildesheim, Germany.

Marko has translated and updated the language of the seven swords piercing the heart of Holy Mary. The seven swords are listed below. We will remove each one from the joined and connected heart of Gaia and humanity. We will transform each sword with the help of swarms of micro elemental beings that we call “Gaia Sparks.” The Gaia Sparks will appear out of the palms of your open hands.

  1. First sword: The Earth is falsely regarded as a hard materialized ball by a majority of the human race.
  2. Second sword: Outdated intercellular links within our bodies are blocking essential processes of transmutation, holding human beings in old patterns.
  3. Third sword: outdated networks of energy lines hold the sacred places of Gaia fixed in ancient roles so that they cannot freely move in the current ongoing rhythms of Earth transformation.
  4. Fourth sword: Our present civilization developed methods of power and manipulation to force the elementary beings of Gaia to cooperate in the creation of innumerable destructive objects and processes that work against life, such as armaments that kill.
  5. Fifth sword: Masses of human beings are caught up in dualistic patterns of consciousness that create and result in conflict with one another.
  6. Sixth sword: Dragon powers, as the primeval powers of creation, are imprisoned within the human mind as images of monsters – with the consequence that they are therefore unable to be fully active where their participation and support is greatly needed in the ongoing process of Earth changes.
  7. Seventh sword: The image of a monotheistic God created by world religions creates such powerful sounds of illusion and despair that human beings cannot hear the voice of Gaia, nor the inner voice of their hearts.

Sequence 3: Embodying the Egg of the Divine Feminine Trinity (created by Ying Li)

The egg (ovum) is a miracle of life carrying the codes of Gaia’s creativity. There is a sacred moment in the gestation period when we as an egg are part of our mother’s and grandmother’s body at the same time. As we connect to this cellular memory of the feminine holy trinity, we activate the powers of the divine feminine within ourselves and on the planetary level.

  1. Imagine you are an egg within your mother’s body. Feel complete peace and joy as you hold the codes of life in your primal spherical form.
  2. Then see your mother as an embryo, also a perfect form of life. You are an egg within her embryonic body, supported by the angelic and elemental beings who take care of womb life.
  3. Feel your mother’s embryonic body floating in amniotic waters and yourself like a glowing seed within her. You then become aware of a larger body: your grandmother as a pregnant woman carrying your mother in her womb.
  4. Together your grandmother, your mother and you form a holy trinity: an egg with the feminine power of three. You are a seed of life within a larger seed of life (your mother), who is within an even larger seed of life (your grandmother). Take a moment to sense this egg of the divine feminine trinity, which you embody no matter if you are a man or a woman.
  5. As you hold this feminine power within you, ask for any needed healing to take place in your family line and the lines of all beings within the Earth cosmos. Sense the wisdom and love of all the feminine lineages worldwide flowing through you, imbuing you with peace, strength and creativity.


  1. Be aware that one of the purposes of participating in the telepathic workshops is to offer the opportunity to beings of other dimensions and worlds of Gaia to collaborate together with us humans on themes important to us all.
  2. Take some moments to feel all those wonderful beings, and to express your gratitude.
  3. Ask these beings and worlds to repeat (with us) the proposed exercises into the future, if they are free to do so.

LifeNet Telepathic Workshop as part of the 2023 Creative LifeNet Gathering in Bad Meinberg from July 31st to August 4th 2023

The program of the workshop will include the group gathered daily at Bad Meinberg, Germany as well as by those LifeNet participants worldwide who cannot attend the Gathering in person.

To Restore the Human Matrix is the central theme of the proposed 4-day workshop that will be created by the group of more than one hundred members on site as well as those worldwide who will collaborate telepathically. The sequences of the workshop were created by Ying Li, Simona Čudovan, Tea Golob, Annette Frederking and Marko Pogačnik.

The collaboration consists of:

  • Participation in the silent morning meditation each day between 07.30 and 08.00; and
  • Participation in the Restoring the Human Matrix workshop listed and described below. Since the program rhythms of the Gathering and the workshop times vary, feel free to participate daily according to your personal time frame. For orientation, the times of the workshop in Bad Meinberg are given below.

The workshop program can be found in different languages on these web pages: or

  • We work in alignment with the Sun, so start at the given hour according to your local time.
  • If needed, review the Guidelines for Telepathic Workshops published on these two websites.
  • Study the workshop text beforehand; have it printed with you or available on your computer or phone, so that you can follow the sequences.

Tuning of the group

  1. Be aware that as a group we are scattered around the world. Be aware also of the group that participates at the Gathering in Bad Meinberg at the heart of Germany. Move your subtle antennas and feel the presence of the group members.
  2. We form a circle and invite ancestors and descendants of the human race to join the circle. Be aware of how you feel as they stand with us in the same circle.
  3. Now we invite the elemental and archetypal beings of the Earthly kingdoms to join us. We also invite the beings of the angelic network. Be aware of how you feel as they stand with us in the circle.

Monday July 31st from 20.30 till 21.00

 Sequence 1

Freedom to the Water Element

Water is the element that distributes the essence of life to all beings embodied upon the Earth – be it in material or subtle bodies. At one point in our planetary evolution, powers foreign to the Earth wanted to steal the knowledge from Gaia about how it is possible to give spiritual levels a physical, touchable incarnation. A plan was developed by these powers to obtain access to water in its capacity to sustain life on Earth in its embodied form. A black code was infiltrated into the human matrix, since the human being as a co-creator with Gaia has free and ready access to all levels of her creation. With the help of this black code access to the cosmic qualities of water fell into false hands while the human access to it was almost erased (frozen). As a consequence the human race has almost lost its pristine connections with all other beings of the Earthly cosmos, as well as with precious loving human interrelationships.

  1. This false code can be imagined as the linear codes that are printed upon all objects that are bought and sold in markets.
  2. In our case this dangerous code consists of six black lines that repeat three times (666). Imagine this linear code positioned in the causal space far behind the back of your body. It is a code that has accompanied the human race (mostly not recognized) for ages, from generation to generation.
  3. Now we work on transmuting the lines of the code. First, change the black color of the lines into dark violet to invoke the powers of transmutation and transformation. Accompany this process of transmutation with your intuition and feelings.
  4. Then let lines of the transformed code glide slowly in a large circle around your body. While gliding towards the space in front of your body the lines of the code change their color following the colors of the rainbow – from violet to blue, then green, yellow and white.
  5. Arriving at the space in front of your body the 666 code is now transformed into the number 999 – which traditionally is the number of the Goddess.
  6. The transformed code begins to radiate white light as strong as the midday sun. In the warmth of this sun the frozen water within the human matrix melts.
  7. Now imagine that the water of love and life starts to flow freely between your heart space and beings that surround you at all different levels of creation, our fellow human beings included.

Sequence 2

Close the false door of birth!

A disastrous intervention has occurred in the human matrix that prevents the angelic guardians at the door (portal) of birth to perform their true and given task. These angelic guardians must stop those beings that have no right to become embodied upon the Earth, and protect and keep the portal open only to those who have access according to the cosmic law.

What occurred is that in order to suppress the true angelic guardians, the false image of “luciferic angels” was projected upon them (that these angels are cursed by God because they “have gone too deep into matter”) – consequently binding the true angels from undertaking their true given role and responsibility. On the contrary, the true service of these angels demands that they enter deeply into the sphere of Gaia. For this purpose the body of elemental beings was given to them. Hence we call them “elemental angels”.

As a consequence of this cruel distortion and projection upon the bound angels at the portal of birth, masses of beings from other planetary systems have incarnated on Earth that are not ready for embodying in matter or have malicious purposes for incarnating. The cause of the resulting chaos upon the planet is hidden by those foreign powers that try to steal from Gaia the jewel of the embodied paradise that she has created.

  1. Focus your attention on the Earth Element chakra that pulsates between your knees to enter the prison where the elemental angels, guardians to the portal of birth, are imprisoned. Their place of service extends between the human sexual zone and the Earth Element chakra.
  2. To free the elemental angels at the portal of birth they need to be reconnected to the highest chakra above your head. Move your hands in a horizontal position three levels above your head to locate the proper position – this is where the chakra of the Air Element is located. The Air Element It connects the human body to the angelic realm.
  3. Use the path along your backbone to connect the elemental angels serving at the portal of birth (focused between your knees) to their angelic home, the Air Element chakra. Enjoy the moment when the elemental angels embrace their angelic parents.
  4. Now feel and imagine the elemental angels standing at the portal of birth as free beings. Ask them to continue with their service to Gaia and the human race – that they allow passage to the door of incarnation only to those beings, human or of other kind, that walk the path of love, with the key to embodiment upon the Earth in their hands.

Tuesday, August 1st from 19.30 till 20.00

(Silent morning meditation at 07.30)

Sequence 1

The feminine aspect has been distorted within the human matrix

Millennia of patriarchal rule throughout human history have created a destructive distortion in the relationship between the masculine and feminine principles. To achieve grandiose patriarchal empires the masculine principle has enslaved its feminine counterpart. The purpose of this enslavement was to enable men to dominate women and aspire to obtain the capacity of giving birth that according to the natural law is reserved for women. To achieve this purpose the code of masculine domination has been inserted into the feminine matrix. This manipulation has enabled patriarchal cultures to “give birth” to powerful civilizations – that currently are about to enslave all forms of life, including human beings.

  1. As a consequence of this violation of the feminine nature, the masculine matrix of the human being itself is deeply wounded. To hide this secret wound the cult of artificial intelligence recently has been developed. Men aspire to deny and escape from this wound by concealing themselves in the robots that he builds.
  2. To heal the distorted and destructive masculine aspect of the human matrix the codes that enabled violation of its feminine counterpart need to be erased.
  3. Imagine that your masculine aspect appears in front of your face consumed with the feeling of guilt for its manipulation of the feminine principle. (This relates both to both men and women because the masculine aspect belongs to our entire human matrix, all of us.)
  4. Bring the masculine aspect into your heart space and give it comfort and shelter. Your feminine aspect forgives her masculine brother for his manipulation.
  5. Now the masculine aspect within you turns his head down and glides deep down towards the core of the Earth. Gliding through the body of Gaia the false code is erased and transformed into the primeval dust from which it has been formed.
  6. The masculine principle glides upward and returns to the surface of Gaia, now purified into the matrix of the human being, to enable the restoration of the balance between feminine and masculine principles. Feel deeply the restored balance within yourself.

Sequence 2

Transforming the dominating vertical

More and more people express their will to stop the destruction of nature. But the destructive processes cannot be stopped without a decisive and powerful change in the human matrix. The vertical power structures dominating the human matrix need to be reshaped into a spherical interconnected network. This shift can dissolve the force that drives human civilization to continue with the destruction of nature and the planet.

  1. Sit with your backbone straight, or lie down on your back.
  2. Imagine that you are sitting or lying in a spherical space. You change your position to adjust to the spherical form.
  3. Your body now expands to closely touch the spherical form. Expand your head and feet, along and following the spherical space – your feet finally touch the crown of your head. How does your body feel in this spherical shape? What kind of inner space does it open?
  4. Now imagine that other LifeNet members are also adjusted to the same spherical form. In this way our bodies create a spherical light grid in resonance with the body of the Earth. How does this feel? How would a spherical planetary space feel if created by the whole human family?
  5. Now the spherical space of the Earth can open in all directions and to touch all beings of nature residing in different dimensions of multidimensional reality. How does it feel for the human family to once again be integrated into the community of all life?

Wednesday, August 2nd from 12:00-12.30

(Silent morning meditation at 07.30)

Sequence 1

Personal transformation within the being of Gaia

As Gaia’s multidimensional body undergoes dramatic change, deeply held tensions and distorted patterns within the matrices of all co-evolutions are rising to the surface for transmutation. On the manifested level we experience shifts in our physical and emotional bodies, transitions in personal and collective circumstances, and growing pains. Yet within these upheavals is a golden opportunity to participate in a wondrous transformation of cosmic proportions. By anchoring in trust, peace and open heartedness, we support Gaia’s quantum leap as a sublime metamorphosis where we and all beings within the Earthly cosmos can recreate ourselves anew.

  1. Imagine a magnificently beautiful butterfly flying before you. This butterfly is Indigo Gaia, cosmic Earth in creative transformation. The butterfly flies to the centre of your chest and lands on your sternum. There she becomes a caterpillar once again.
  2. Nestled on your sternum, the caterpillar creates a silky pad where she sheds her skin and forms a chrysalis. Within the chrysalis she dissolves and breaks down her old tissues and structures into a divine primordial soup of love. Take a moment to sense this radical transformation of Indigo Gaia.
  3. As your body connects with the chrysalis on your sternum, feel yourself enveloped within its resonance. See your inner body full of swirling colours, dissolving what is no longer needed while forming new cells, matrices and vital-energy centers. The process is miraculous – like growing new body parts!
  4. You now become aware of a beautiful set of translucent wings growing within you. At the moment the wings are folded over your body like an embrace. Allow yourself to rest here, and ask that any fears, disturbances or disconcerting feelings related to drastic changes be transmuted. Feel how Gaia is holding all beings in her universe with deep love and care.

Sequence 2

The place of God in the human matrix

Much has been done in the last few decades to recognize the true place of the feminine aspect of Divinity within the human matrix. She is recognized either as the threefold Goddess, as Gaia or as Sophia (her cosmic counterpart). But what about God? The distortions that monotheistic religions have projected upon the image of the masculine Divinity should not be the reason to erase its presence from the human matrix. If the principle of God is ignored, balance at the deepest level of the matrix is lost.

  1. You would like to feel the presence of God to know him face to face. But his presence is hidden behind the fog created by different images that monotheistic religions have projected upon his face.
  2. Suddenly in that moment a whirlpool of wind arrives and takes away all the layers of fog.
  3. God shows now as Pan, the Greek God of nature. Pan is present within all the innumerable manifestations of nature, the human race included. Feel how all beings of nature, those invisible and visible, resound within the majestic presence of Pan.
  4. Going a level deeper we open our hearts to God as a universal principle, as an archetypal father of all existing beings. He holds the universal order within which the creation of the archetypal Mother is embodied. Feel his limitless love for all beings and worlds – with you included.
  5. At another level God is embodied in masculine beings that appear as messengers of universal love and truth, for example, Christ or Michael. Feel their presence within your heart space.
  6. Yet on another level God is present within the human matrix in the form of an ethical codex that prevents human beings from becoming destroyers of life or transgressor of the universal order. Ensure that your life unfolds within the ethical codex as formulated through the Seven Letters from the Apocalypse. (See the Appendix 2)

Thursday, August 3rd from 15.00 till 15.30

(Morning meditation at 07.30)

Sequence 1

Restoring our inner and outer temples of light

The human matrix has been infiltrated by false light (Luciferic) powers, which have distorted our subtle body’s attunement to the light dimensions of Gaia. By restoring our inner and outer temples of light, we strengthen humanity’s co-creative capacities:

  1. Imagine you are standing before a glowing full moon. You open your arms and receive the rays of the moon like a pearlescent shower on your body.
  2. A large moonbeam then appears in front of you. You step onto the moonbeam and glide towards the moon. Within the moon is a beautiful sanctuary where you comfortably sit down.
  3. Sitting in the moon sanctuary you breathe deeply. Your body is infused by the soft light of the moon all around you. You then bring your attention to the pineal gland in the centre of your brain.
  4. You see the pineal gland as a sparkling crystal with rainbow colours. The pineal crystal then forms liquid drops, each drop with one colour of the rainbow. The drops fall slowly one by one, from the pineal gland into your heart space.
  5. Feel each colored drop landing in your heart, bringing you into deeper connection with the parallel worlds of Gaia –

Red: animals
Orange: elementals
Yellow: plants
Green: dragon powers
Blue: fairy realm
Indigo: angelic network
Violet: minerals

  1. This activation then inspires your whole body into movement or sound. Dance gently or sing sweetly in the moon sanctuary, sending these vibrations with and along moonbeams to the entire world.

Sequence 2

The creative power of love within the human matrix

According to a hidden intervention into the human matrix we shall become accustomed to living without the constant flow of love among us – as well as in relationship to the worlds of Gaia. It may seem that this illusion is the natural state of life upon the Earth. No, it is not! The accustomed absence of loving relationships is a consequence of a cruel manipulation of the human matrix. This manipulation begins by infusing the human mind with the idea that love is exclusively a matter of sexual relationships on one hand and a spiritual quality on the other – often seen in a religious context. This kind of dualism annihilates our birthright as beings of the Earth to live and create as human beings grounded within the stream of love emanating from the heart of Gaia and her elementary helpers

  1. Imagine a secret chamber within your body that is in resonance with the human matrix. A number of precious stones positioned there represent different aspects of the matrix. Locate this chamber within your body.
  2. Ages ago a thief found a way to break into the chamber. He took away the ruby that stands for the power of multidimensional love.
  3. The ruby was exchanged with three plastic stones of grey colour. The words written on the plastic stones are “doubt,” “fear,” and “guilt.” How does the atmosphere in the matrix chamber feel now?
  4. The time of great changes is upon us. A whirlpool of water crosses the human matrix and takes the three false stones away. But the place of love is empty now – how do we revivify it in a new way?
  5. Put your hands in a crossed form upon your chest to connect with your three heart centres – the fractal of the common heart of humanity on your right, the individual heart sanctuary on your left, and the heart centre in the middle.
  6. Then open your hands and become aware of a blue diamond shining from within your heart space. The radiated light animates the empty space, and the human matrix is alive, shining and well once again.
  7. We as human beings can now draw upon extraordinary strong support from our matrix whenever we are about to embody the creative face of love in the conditions of daily life and creativity.

Appendix 1 (only for reading)

Nine ethical statements of the threefold Goddess


The white Goddess of the all embracing whole states:

  1. Carry no feelings of guilt! Know that your being is born in the sign of perfection!
  2. The capacity to perceive the whole spectrum of creation is your birthright!
  3. Follow the cyclical nature of your being! Be prepared for any unexpected call for change!


The red Goddess of the limitless abundance states:

  1. Protect the freedom of your being! Be attentive to the sound of your inner voice! Follow the path of your heart!
  2. Know the gift of your body! Your body is a house of joy and creation!
  3. Ask for what you need! Allow yourself to be endowed by the richness of life!


The black Goddess of transmutation states:

  1. Let us celebrate! Wherever you look, behold the breath of paradise.
  2. Release old patterns! Do not hesitate to clean your chambers of the past!
  3. Welcome silence in the face of whatever may transcend the human mind! Cultivate pure presence!


The ethical statements of the Goddess are derived from the book The Daughter of Gaia. (Marko Pogačnik, 2001 – German: Tochter der Erde)


Appendix 2: (only for reading)

Related to the sequence on the place of God in the human matrix and the new ethics

The seven foundations of the new ethics are hidden in the Revelation of Saint John, called Apocalypse in the Seven Letters, sent by Jesus the Christ to the seven early Christian communities in Asia Minor – Ephesus, Smyrna, Pergamon, Thyatira, Sardis, Philadelphia and Laodicea.

Ephesus: Love!
Follow the voice of the heart. In each and every situation, no matter how difficult, be sure to embody the quality and the power of the primeval love.

Smyrna: Have no fear!
Do not become fearful in the face of anything that your personal or collective destiny might manifest upon your path. Preserve your inner peace in any situation.

Pergamon: Change yourself!
Be prepared to follow the constant stream of change. Be attentive to the many dimensions of yourself or of your creativity when calls for change occur.

Thyatira: Be truthful!
Listen to the sound of your heart and examine your mental paths in order to avoid becoming a victim of self-delusion.

Sardis: Be whole!
Be aware of your integral being. May your being be embraced by the feeling of wholeness. Be at any moment present in your core.

Philadelphia: Be true to yourself!
Do not forget who you are and the ideals that you decided to follow before your embodiment. Be mindful, remember your spiritual purpose.

Laodicea: Decide!
Each situation offers different possibilities. Choose one or another. The only thing that one should not afflict upon oneself in the epoch of change is to be indecisive.

Translated from the coded language of the Apocalypse by Marko Pogačnik, published in Creating Gaia Culture 2021


May 2023 LifeNet Telepathic Workshop

  • Friday, May 12th at 20.00 in the evening, and

  • Sunday, May 14th at 9.00 in the morning

The purpose of the workshop is to support the Marko Pogačnik Peace Workshop in Jerusalem organized by the cultural centre Muslala – which among others a group of LifeNet members will attend. The theme this time is world peace and peace within the individual human being. The unusual times of the workshop are chosen to connect to the Jerusalem workshop schedule.

The workshop program can be found in different languages on these web pages: or

  • We work in alignment with the Sun, so start at the given hour according to your local time.
  • If needed, review the Guidelines for Telepathic Workshops published on these two websites.
  • Study the workshop plan beforehand; have it printed with you or available on your computer or phone, so that you can follow the sequences.

Tuning of the group

  1. Be aware that as a group we are scattered around the world. Move your subtle antennas and feel the presence of the group members.
  2. We form a circle and invite ancestors and descendants of the human race to join the circle. Be aware of how you feel as they stand with us in the same circle.
  3. Now we invite the elemental and archetypal beings of the Earthly kingdoms to join us. We also invite the beings of the angelic network. Be aware of how you feel as they stand with us in the circle.
  4. Now all together we tone (create sounds according to your intuition) – we make these sounds to tune to each other and to a common space and time level.

Sequence 1: Get to know your soul family

“Soul family” groups of souls are those who share a common vision or purpose that they try to manifest through their subsequent incarnations. While several members of the soul family work towards a goal within the embodied world, the part of the family that is not incarnated supports and inspires them. In the present sequence of the Earth transformation process it is possible and important to reconnect with one’s soul family. The purpose of this reconnection is to develop a stronger group attunement within the more and more fragmented humanity.

  1. To meet and experience your soul family step backwards in your imagination, following a specific numeric pattern.
  2. Imagine taking five steps backward, always starting with the left foot.
  3. Then take three steps forward, always starting with the right foot. Briefly pause –what do you feel and perceive?
  4. Again take one more step backward (6) and the same number forward (3). Pause briefly – feel and perceive what you experience.
  5. Next take one step more backward (7) and the same number of steps forward (3). Pause. Once again, what do you feel and perceive?
  6. Follow this pattern as long as needed, always adding one step more backward and always staying with the same number of steps (3) forward.
  7. When you feel during one of your pauses that you have arrived at the home of your soul family, turn around in your imagination and begin to communicate with your spiritual ancestors.
  8. Ask your spiritual ancestors if there is something that you as their family member can do for them since you are incarnated. Be aware that there are problems from the past lives that cannot be solved in the spiritual world, but can be successfully solved at the embodied plane. For this purpose you can use the Sequence 2 exercise below.

Sequence 2: Creating peace and health within your soul family and your body

Each cell of your body has two strands within it, one for your soul aspect and the other for your elemental aspect. They weave together to form the codes of your life within your present incarnation. Be aware that some difficult or heavy problems from your soul family lineage may be stuck in the soul strand, which is now asking for purification.

  1. Connect with the Divine teardrop in your heart space, which has the ability to transmute all pain and suffering, including trauma passed down through generations. This teardrop in your heart is sparkling like a crystal and its waters touch the waters in all the cells in your body.
  2. As the teardrop in your heart touches the water in your cells, imagine the blockages in the soul strand of every cell releasing. Your inner waters are now unfreezing, flowing freely in your body, through your heart and also through the divine feminine energy centers in the kidney area. Place your hands on your lower back space, where the kidneys are located, and breathe deeply in that space.
  3. Then imagine that you are lying face down on the ground, feeling completely supported by the Earth. The released pain from your soul family suffering leaves your body as tears falling on the ground. See your tears landing on the dark soil, and where they fall grow beautiful flowers of many different kinds and colors. Feel deep love for all the ancestors and descendants of your soul family. Know that you can return to this garden at any time to honor their experiences and make new connections.

(This sequence was created by Ying Li, thank you Ying!)

Sequence 3: Get to know Jerusalem

Seen in the greater landscape of Israel/Palestine, Jerusalem stands upon a large hill positioned between two great bodies of water: the sweet water the Sea of Galilee in the north and the Salt Sea (“Dead Sea”) in the south.

  1. Imagine that a rainbow consisting of innumerable colored drops of water connects both great seas. The rainbow arcs above the hill of Jerusalem.
  2. Hold and enjoy this beautiful image for a few moments. Then imagine that the rainbow bridge collapses, falling down into the depths of the Earth. The rainbow becomes a large colorful vessel, encompassing the hill of Jerusalem from below.
  3.  Look into the vessel to realize that it contains a tiny bright minute sphere. The sphere shines with rays of pure white light that extend underground to the deepest levels of the Earth.
  4. Be aware that this concentrated sphere contains the primeval atom of peace. Behold with love this radiation and support the spread of this light throughout our conflict torn world. Include the Red Sea in the radiation and spread of this light.

Sequence 4: To liberate Jerusalem from the religious bonds that are not in harmony with the preset cosmic moment

The primeval atom of love and peace stored under the hill of Jerusalem is the reason why the three worldwide monotheistic religions consider Jerusalem as their most holy place. However, during the last millennia of their existence these religions have failed to bring lasting peace to the Earth. Instead these religions have used Jerusalem as a source of power to attempt rule over the life of Gaia.

  1. Jerusalem is a walled city with walls built from the time of Muslim rule. Imagine that instead of the walls a group of men from different religions (Jewish, Muslim, Christian) hold hands forming a circle around the top of the Jerusalem hill. (Visualize that the city itself has vanished.)
  2. Then the ground at the center of the circle begins to open and a tall slim woman emerges from the depth of the hill of Jerusalem. Her face is dark and her heart shines with bright white light. You recognize her as the soul of Jerusalem.
  3. Now a crowd of happy chatting women appears, taking places in the circle between the men. They begin to perform a peaceful ritual dance: three steps to the left, two to the right, three steps to the left … feel its rhythm.
  4. As they perform the dance the chains that tie Jerusalem to false or outdated religious matrices and patterns of behavior worldwide begin to dissolve.
  5. A tree of life begins to grow at the top of the hill of Jerusalem. The roots of the sacred tree embrace the sphere of peace stored within the hill. The blooming branches of the tree extend over every place upon the Earth. Its fruits provide plentiful food to all humanity hungry and thirsty for love and peace.

Sequence 5: To connect Jerusalem with the network of Gaia Culture places

Jerusalem in Hebrew means “Place of Peace.” Treasuring the primeval atom of peace (as stated above), Jerusalem contains and grounds an ancestral peace impulse. Jerusalem holds the memory of peace dating from mythical times of paradise, an impulse urgently needed in the present epoch of increasing warfare, death and destruction.

  1. Imagine that the children (fractals) of the primeval atom of peace stored within the hill of Jerusalem appear at different places of the world where dedicated groups of people work to create centers of Gaia Culture in multiple forms – Gaia Culture as a new culture attuned to and in harmony with the multidimensional life of the Earth.
  2. The children of the Jerusalem atom of peace appear in these places in the form of a sphere composed of white light that enfolds each place.
  3. Each of these spheres gives birth to innumerable peace impulses. Imagine them as soap bubbles, shining in radiant rainbow colors, floating and circling the globe and inspiring humanity with the will for peace – including peace in relationship to the mineral, plant and animal kingdoms.
  4. People in general may not be initially reached or touched with this message, but there are many sensitive individuals who carry this message and who are manifesting peace in their lives, families, communities and environment.


Hold the essence of Jerusalem in your heart with the prayer that it might become an embodied call for peace and love in the world.

Peace to the Earth February 2023 LifeNet Telepathic Workshop

  • Sunday, February 19th at 9:00 in the morning, and

  • Tuesday, February 21st at 20:00 in the evening.

The workshop program can be found in different languages on these web pages: or

  • We work in alignment with the Sun, so start at the given hour according to your local time.
  • If needed, review the Guidelines for Telepathic Workshops published on these two websites.
  • Study the workshop plan beforehand, have it printed with you or available on your computer or phone, so that you can follow the sequences.

Tuning of the group

  1. Be aware that as a group we are scattered around the world. Move your subtle antennas and feel the presence of the group members.
  2. We form a circle and invite ancestors and descendants of the human race to join the circle. Be aware of how you feel as they stand with us in the same circle.
  3. Now we invite the elemental and archetypal beings of the Earthly kingdoms to join us. We also invite the beings of the angelic network. Be aware of how you feel as they stand with us in the circle.
  4. Now all together we tone (create sounds according to your intuition) – we make these sounds to tune to each other and to a common space and time level.

Peace to the Earth

The disastrous earthquake at the border between Syria and Turkey can be understood as a reminder that enormous transformative forces are now moving within the belly of the planet. We need to offer help to the creative powers and beings of Gaia so that they will be able to hold the transformative powers in peace as much as possible to preserve the sensitive biosphere of the Earth.

  1. Imagine a golden ring within your pelvis. Inside this ring is the Mediterranean Sea. (The same image can be used with the Pacific, Indian and Atlantic Oceans.)
  2. Feel the divine vibration of the sea, which is infused with the elemental, angelic and archetypal dimensions associated with the Middle East, North Africa and Europe – and to the other oceans as well.
  3. Imagine the waters from the sea in your pelvis rising like a fountain into your heart space. Take a moment to sense the sea waters flowing in your heart.
  4. Bring these waters further upwards, stretching your arms above your head.
  5. Now we need to create a door through which the powers of the ocean gathered within our bodies can bring peace to the areas of the Earth endangered by extremely powerful volcanic explosions and earthquakes.
  6. For this purpose we will create the Kinesiogram (glyph) of divine femininity which is composed of two intersecting circles that together create the sacred geometrical form of a mandorla. (See the drawing below).
  7. As depicted on the drawing continue moving back and forth for a while making circular motions with both of your arms at the same time. One of your arms is moving in the clockwise direction and the other one anti-clockwise. Both movements intersect.
  8. Feel the sea waters moving through your body and the intersection of the two circles like a portal opening, touching all the areas in the Earth that potentially endanger the existence of the manifested life on Earth. Be aware of the strengthened loving collaboration between all the parallel worlds and the help and support of their beings.
  9. Conclude with movement of deep thanksgiving.


Gaia kinesiogram


A New Way of Grounding LifeNet Telepathic Workshop

  • Sunday, January 29th at 9:00 in the morning, and

  • Tuesday, January 31st at 20:00 in the evening.

The workshop program can be found in different languages on or

  • We work in alignment with the Sun, so start at the given hour according to your local time.
  • If needed, review the Guidelines for Telepathic Workshops published on these two websites.
  • Study the workshop plan beforehand, have it printed with you or available on your computer or phone, so that you can follow the sequences.

Tuning of the Group

  1. Be aware that as a group we are scattered around the world. Move your subtle antennas and feel the presence of the group members.
  2. We form a circle and invite ancestors and descendants of the human race to join the circle. Be aware of how you feel as they stand with us in the same circle.
  3. Now we invite the elemental and archetypal beings of the Earthly kingdoms to join us. We also invite the beings of the angelic network. Be aware of how you feel as they stand with us in the circle.
  4. Now all together we tone (create sounds according to your intuition) – we make these sounds to tune to each other and to a common space and time level.

Sequence 1
A New Way of Grounding

Since we live in an era of intense Earth changes and turbulence, we can also expect that the way we relate to the Earth and the universe will change again and again. Here we propose a new way of grounding and connecting that may help you to be stable and healthy during these phases of change. The exercise is based upon attuning to the four Elements.

  1. Stand upright and be aware of a vertical light channel connecting the Earth below your feet with the universe above your head. (The channel is a creation of the Element Fire).
  2. Imagine that in the Earth below your feet a rosette of fine water streams horizontally to all sides from your light channel. (This rosette is a creation of the Element Water.)
  3. From your elemental heart (plexus area) a rosette of fine threads extends horizontally to all sides connecting you to the plants and trees of your environment, near and far away. (This rosette is a creation of the Element Earth.)
  4. From the point above your head a rosette composed of threads of fine sensors extends horizontally into the space around you. (This rosette is a creation of the Element Air.)
  5. Now imagine and feel the three horizontal power fields (rosettes) all at once extending from the vertical axis of your body.
  6. Finally imagine and feel a light sphere in the form of a fine membrane rounding up your space and protecting your personal universe. (This membrane represents the fifth Element, that of Synthesis.)

Sequence 2
Create Your Individual Sphere of Love

In our telepathic workshops we have supported Gaia-Sophia in her endeavor to re-create the finest layer of her body, the love sphere (Philosphere). Here we wish to present an exercise or practice of creating your own personal philosphere. It is meant to help master any situation that may appear on your personal path or in the course of the present Earth transformations.

  1. Imagine the scenes of your life transforming into a field of a thousand flowers.
  2. Your body takes on the shape of a bee, and you fly to the flowers.
  3. As you approach each flower which represents a scene of your life, you sense its aroma, shape and colour.
  4. Feel deep love and gratitude as you become enfolded in each flower, including the ones which represent challenging experiences you have faced.
  5. Taste the nectar of each flower and notice how it infuses you with special qualities.
  6. After visiting the flowers, you fly back to the hive, your individual sphere connected to the angelic, elemental and spiritual realms.
  7. In the hive, you lovingly release the nectar that you have collected from your personal flower field. The nectar now becomes pure honey, nourishing entire your being and the relations in every aspect of your life.

Sequence 3
Go to the Deepest Source of Peace

After almost one year of war in Ukraine it is obvious that war is etherically shaking the whole visible world. How can we ensure that the embryo of the new Earthly space that we carry in our hearts will not be destroyed in these conditions? The key is to hold inner peace in the midst of the upheaval and trauma of war.

The ultimate source of peace is stored in the deepest level within our personal universe. It is the level of existence that we share with Gaia and the elemental angels of creation.

  1. Please stand and walk in a circle around your vertical axis. Use tiny steps because the circular stairs that we follow down into the depths of the Earth are very narrow. Walk in a counter-clockwise direction with your eyes open.
  2. After you have completed one round stop for a moment, and feel where you are. If some clearing of that level is needed use streams of the color violet.
  3. Then continue, walking a second round. After you have completed the second round stop for a moment, and feel where you are. If some clearing of that level is needed use streams of the color violet
  4. Then continue with the third round. After you have completed the third round stop for a moment, and feel where you are. If some clearing of that level is needed use streams of color violet, and make clarifying sounds.
  5. Be aware that the deep space where you have arrived is positioned in the deepest depth of your belly space.
  6. Lift yourself from there to your elemental heart area located at the lower end of your breast bone – and from there lift yourself even higher to the space of your diverse heart centers.
  7. Ensure that all the dimensions of your bodily existence are saturated with the qualities and powers that you have brought up from the depth of creation.
  8. Share these qualities and powers with the world around you.

Let us invite all beings from different worlds that collaborate in our telepathic workshops to make a circle around the Earth.
We invite the Earth to spin freely within the circle. Observe her dance. Give thanks to each other.

Winter Solstice Telepathic Workshop 2022

“Trees are our guides towards the future”

  • Sunday December 25th in the MORNING at 09.00

  • Repeated on Wednesday, December 28th in the EVENING at 20.00

If you have not yet applied to participate and wish to collaborate, please email Iveta at: and let her know the language that you require from the different languages offered on LifeNet; Iveta will send the workshop texts to participants.

This workshop is telepathic and we orientate ourselves according to the course of the Sun. That means no matter where the participant is located, the workshop always begins at the given time according to the local time zone.

Since we each have different rhythms of how we engage in our spiritual work we no longer need to propose specific timeframes for each exercise of the workshop. Take as much time as you need for each sequence.

Group attunement

Be grounded in your heart and body and feel the presence of our group, which includes elemental, angelic and spiritual beings who support us. Although we are spread widely around the world, we come together in our love for Gaia and our sense of shared responsibility for the life of Earth.

Sequence 1: Collecting the experience of one of our neighbor evolutions

At the threshold of the third millennium the Earth starts to reveal its different dimensions and beings (evolutions) inhabiting their autonomous spaces. This is one of the venues along which the new Gaia related civilization develops – how the Earth is constituted as a community of different beings and evolutions located in different spheres of the Earthly universe. Each of us has a different role to play within the Earth as a cluster of cooperating worlds.

Trees offer themselves as guides to lead us to one of the parallel worlds.

  1. While sitting for meditation imagine a long allee (a long lane) behind your back lined with tall green trees.
  2. The allee is so long that the trees become smaller and smaller with the growing distance until they merge into one single dark dot.
  3. Imagine yourself walking along that allee behind your back. As you walk along this distance you become smaller and smaller.
  4. When you arrive at the dark dot you are not much bigger than the dot. Go through the dot.
  5. As you arrive at the other side of the dot your body takes on dimensions that adjust to this unknown world.
  6. Explore the world where you have arrived. What is the quality of its vibration? What kinds of beings live there? Do they feel as faery (Sidhe) or elemental beings?
  7. You can return to “our world” by simply directing your attention towards the world in front of your nose.

Sequence 2Trees as models of the future Earth

Gaia is about to prepare a basic transformation of the embodied (materialized) Earth.

Trees represent a possible model of how the transformed Earth will feel like.

  1. Imagine in front of you a deeply rooted tall tree, standing high with a beautiful green crown.
  2. Take the tree inside you and make loving contact with its being.
  3. Then imagine that you stand barefoot upon the tree’s crown. You are surprised that the subtle leaves hold your body upright.
  4. Feel the gentle breezes that move between the leaves under your feet.
  5. Feel the flow of life force coming up from the roots of the tree, permeating your body – you are much more alive walking on the earth than you usually experience day to day!
  6. Then take the tree into your heart space and express your gratitude.
  7. During the following days of transition into the New Year, walk upon the Earth every day as you experienced life while standing upon the crown of the tree!

Sequence 3: Know beings that abide within trees

  1. Focus your attention on a magnificent healthy tree standing in front of you. Turn around, with your back now “facing“ the tree. In your imagination take three steps backwards and find yourself “inside” the tree.
  2. Once you are inside you are aware that you are with two fellow beings. One is a lively young being who moves freely around you. The second is an ancient, weather-worn being whose gaze is soft, warm and piercing. You find that there is a cozy place for you to settle in and be comfortable. You begin to tell these two the story of your life. Notice how they respond. Receive the gift of their interest and attention.
  3. Next, you listen to a story that they tell you. Perhaps it is with words, or perhaps images. This is what the trees are asking of you in support of their well being now and into the future. After you have listened deeply, offer a gift of thanks to each of these beings. Walk forwards three steps, exit the tree and turn around to face the tree.
  4. Now look at this tree and experience how the tree has changed!
  5. There is now a light shining from your heart towards the tree and from the tree into your heart. Allow this light to grow in your heart, and allow it to radiate in all directions out into the world – so that all trees and forests are bathed in this shining light!

Sequence 4: Winter Solstice – the time of transformation

The Winter Solstice is an appropriate symbol for the era we presently live in. It is an era of great changes at all possible levels. Let the trees teach us the mastery of change that they perform each year at one of the solstices when their leaves fall, only to resurrect next spring. (Keeping in mind the opposite conditions in the southern hemisphere.)

As a consequence of the exaggerated use of electricity and internet capacities in our lives, the power of the fire element is far too strong in the human body, which in turn leads to a drying out of our water element system. The creative capacities of our throat chakra are then blocked, since the water element is the carrier of human creative impulses into the world. Human beings are thus unable to fully support and express Gaia’s quantum leap into the next level of her transformation now underway.

  1. In your imagination, choose a mature tree and ask “him” or “her” to be your teacher of the art of transformation – a teacher with a rich experience of the yearly cycle.
  2. Imagine standing barefoot under the crown of that tree. Pay attention to the subtle movement of the roots under your feet. Listen to the language of these rhythmic movements.
  3. Then listen to the murmur of the leaves in the crown. Be aware of the messages that exist beyond words.
  4. Now be aware of the watery sap of the tree that is coursing upwards from the core of the Earth – pushing upwards through your feet – you are the tree now!
  5. Finally the sap reaches the two water element chakras located under your clavicles (or collarbones). These chakras provide the moisture that the throat chakra requires in order to become the voice of changes needed at the present time within the human family and the Earth.
  6. Now imagine that you speak out loudly for change and transformation through the triangle formed by the water chakras under the clavicles and the center of your throat – you can repeat some of the 13 Silent Manifestations from the LifeNet website (or any of your favorites), like:

“Freedom is our birthright” or simply “Freedom”;

“We demand peace on Earth” or simply “Peace on Earth”; and

“All efforts for a healthy Earth” or simply “Healthy Earth.”

Conclusion: Invite trees from your vicinity to make a circle with you to dance together. Be aware that trees cannot move around freely like you do – but they do dance! Dance together and try to follow their rhythms!

Have a blessed, loving and creative New Year!

– The LifeNet organizing and translators teams

 Protecting the Body of the Earthly Evolutions – LifeNet Telepathic Workshop

  • Sunday November 27th at 9.00 in the morning, and
  • Wednesday November 30th at 20.00 in the evening.

The workshop program can be found in different languages on these web pages: or

  • We work in alignment with the Sun, so start at the given hour according to your local time.
  • If needed, review the Guidelines for Telepathic Workshops published on these two websites.
  • Study the workshop plan beforehand, have it printed with you or available on your computer or phone, so that you can follow the sequences.

Tuning of the group

  1. Be aware that as a group we are scattered around the world. Move your subtle antennas and feel the presence of the group members.
  2. We form a circle and invite ancestors and descendants of the human race to join the circle. Be aware of how you feel as they stand with us in the same circle.
  3. Now we invite the elemental and archetypal beings of the Earthly kingdoms to join us. We also invite the beings of the angelic network. Be aware of how you feel as they stand with us in the circle.
  4. Now all together we tone (create sounds according to your intuition) – we make these sounds to tune to each other and to a common space and time level.

Sequence 1: Humanity is obstructing the evolution and transformation of Gaia

The evolution and transformation of our Earth, of Gaia, into a planet of peace and creative joy is possible only if Gaia continues her evolution in harmony and relationship with the cosmic cycles of change that are now moving through our galaxy. However, this process of transformation on Earth is obstructed by humanity – we have, so to speak, lost our way. We are disconnected from our deep roots in the Earth and to our Earth’s crown in the spiritual world. Like trees without roots and crowns, billions of human beings are adrift, cut off from their true selves, fixated on material “reality” and rationality and a deep fear of “climate change”- deaf to the urgent call of our hearts.

Yet there is hope that our and Gaia’s connection to the cosmic cycles of change and evolution will not be lost. Groups of awakening human beings (like our LifeNet community) have the capacity to work together and co-create with their creative imaginations a civilization in harmony with the Earth and her evolutions, with Gaia, and with our cosmic relations. Even if the conditions that enable the Earth, Gaia, to evolve in harmony and relationship to the cosmic cycle of change are not yet embodied in reality, they do exist as information in ethers and in water. Consequently we – humanity and the Earth – have the potential to evolve in harmony with the cosmic cycles. (And when we are again moving with the cosmic cycles, we trust that progress can emerge to awaken the rest of humanity.)

  1. Imagine standing in front of a tree that is so high that its crown cannot be seen.
  2. Imagine climbing up the tree, ever higher. Alas the crown of the tree cannot be reached because there is a dense layer of clouds through which you cannot pass.
  3. Do not lose heart. Descend to the ground and enter the underground halls of the roots of the tree. Walk the magnificent halls of the inner Earth, greet and get to know the elemental beings that nourish the roots of the tree with the sap of life.
  4. Then let yourself be carried by the sap of life up towards the tree’s crown. The perceived obstacle of the dense layer of clouds does not exist any longer because you are now moving inside the Tree of Life (and not on the outside).
  5. Now you are free to walk among trees, landscapes, forests, among animals and stones participating on a new level of embodied reality. Feel deeply connected to all living beings of the Earth at a new level of existence.
  6. Be aware that you have reached the next step in the evolution of the Earth. By doing so we ensure that the Earth is able to evolve in harmony with the ongoing cosmic cycles of change and transformation. We make our contribution to the future evolution of the planet and humanity.

Sequence 2: Protecting the six dimensions of the Earth body

Happily over recent years much interest and awareness has been developing concerning the esoteric aspects of the Earth – its elemental, fairy and spiritual worlds. But a thousand times more important is an awareness and knowledge about the manifested body of the Earth. It has taken Gaia, with her dragon and elemental helpers, at least three billion years to create its six facets. The embodied Earth is the most precious aspect of the Gaian universe. Several beings and evolutions from outside our earthly sphere endeavor to possess and to take from humanity the privilege and joy of our incarnated experience. They do this by fostering the dissolution and destruction of natural environments, by creating electronic substitutes, illusions and separation from the authentic life of the living planet, step by step, so that humanity will not notice. We must become aware of how precious and vulnerable the bodily existence of the Earth is, and to act to protect this treasure of Gaia.

Lithosphere – the material body of the Earth

  1. Imagine that you are meditating within a crystal sphere. As a solid sphere it extends around you.
  2. Then take it in its minute form into your heart space to feel its true essence.

Hydrosphere – the water body of the Earth

    1. Imagine that you stand upon a water body – a lake, a river, perhaps the ocean…
    2. Subtle drops of water enter your body through the soles of your feet and extend into the sphere of your aura.
    3. How does it feel standing within this watery sphere?
    4. Now extend your watery sphere to encompass the whole living Earth!

Atmosphere – the breathing planet Earth

    1. Take a deep breath.
    2. While breathing out extend your breath spherically to the most outer layer of the atmosphere.
    3. Repeat this kind of breathing few times and feel how happy and blessed we are to be nurtured and sustained by the breath of life (prana)!

Biosphere – the living planet Earth

    1. Listen to the countless organic processes in your body – your beating heart, your nervous system transporting impulses and information …..
    2. Then listen to the countless organic processes in nature around you.
    3. Then turn the scene around and listen to the rustling of forests within you, the flowing rivers, birds flying in the sky … all within you!

Noosphere – the consciousness of the Earth

    1. Listen to the silent talk of the mountains, dive into the wisdom of the sea, listen to the conversations among animals…
    2. Make sounds and join in into the conversation among all beings, embodied and existing in subtle bodies!

Philosphere – the love sphere of the Earth

    1. Imagine holding the Earth sphere in your heart space.
    2. The Earth sphere turns into a ball composed of white crystals.
    3. Melt the crystal ball with the love power of your heart.
    4. Imagine that the melted Earth ball flows out of your body at the level of the lowest ribs to the left and to the right, creating two large streams.
    5. Both streams encompass the Earth globe and meet at the other side of the planet, continuing their flow around the globe again and again, becoming larger and larger.
    6. Finally the whole Earth with its inner levels and its atmosphere is permeated with the love sphere of which you are a part.
    7. Allow yourself to be melted by the power of the Earth love sphere, becoming one with it!

Sequence 3: Conclusion

Be aware that in addition to celebrating and protecting the six spheres of the manifested Earth body we must also protect and care for its seventh aspect – the five embodied evolutions:

  1. Telepathically caress any and all animals that come to your mind.
  2. Touch with the tip of your nose small plants, and with your hands reach out and touch trees.
  3. Caress a mountain, and hold in the palms of your hands stones that come to your mind.
  4. Embrace human beings that you love.
  5. Give a kiss to a dolphin or a whale.

Give thanks to all beings from different words that are collaborating with our telepathic workshops.

Let us protect the spark of life! – LifeNet Telepathic Workshop

  • Saturday, October 29th at 9.00 in the morning, and

  • Wednesday, November 2nd at 20.00 in the evening.

The workshop program can be found in different languages on these web pages: or

  • We work in alignment with the Sun, so start at the given hour according to your local time.
  • If needed, review the Guidelines for Telepathic Workshops published on these two websites.
  • Study the workshop plan beforehand, have it printed with you or available on your computer or phone, so that you can follow the sequences.

Tuning of the group

  1. Be aware that as a group we are scattered around the world. Move your subtle antennas and feel the presence of the group members.
  2. We form a circle and invite ancestors and descendants of the human race to join the circle. Be aware of how you feel as they stand with us in the same circle.
  3. Now we invite the elemental and archetypal beings of the Earthly kingdoms to join us. We also invite the beings of the angelic network. Be aware of how you feel as they stand with us in the circle.
  4. Now all together we tone (create sounds according to your intuition) – we make these sounds to tune to each other and to a common space and time level.

Sequence 1: The atomic power of love

There are indications that the conflict in Ukraine could develop into a disastrous world war. We work together to protect and support the light and beauty of life on Earth.

  1. Be present in your body and focused in your heart space.
  2. Within your body space create a circular stream of love so large that it touches the star of Gaia below your feet and the star of Sophia – the cosmic counterpart of Gaia – above your head.
  3. Then move with a second circle of love backward into the causal realm behind your back and then into the manifested realm in front of your body. In doing so you create a horizontal stream of love at the level of your heart. Enlarge this circle of love so that its circular flow can touch the trees, forests, mountains, elemental and other subtle beings in your world.
  4. Let then the two streams merge into a beautiful and strong sphere of love embracing you and all beings of your world. Feel its blessings and sweet quality.
  5. Embraced by this sphere of love go deeply down into your back space and ask the dragon world and its mighty beings that control and activate the atomic powers of Gaia: prevent any and all malevolent forces that may attempt to use the primeval powers of Gaia’s creation to destroy life upon our beloved planet. The dragon beings are first of all powers of primeval love.
  6. Ask the great elemental and angelic beings to form a potent circle around the Earth to prevent the destruction of life by misused atomic powers and their false masters.
  7. Ask our ancestors and descendants from the spiritual world to join the circle. All together we hold the space for our decree to be fulfilled. Give thanks.

Sequence 2: Detach the false warrior code from your human matrix

During the transition from the Neolithic culture of the Goddess to the masculine governed patriarchal cultures a few millennia ago, foreign warrior beings (not Gaian, arriving from a different space) infiltrated and imposed their pattern into the human matrix. The intention of these beings, forces, is to materialize into the body of the human matrix by occupying the masculine aspect of the human self. Step by step the false code of permanent conflict and warfare has overshadowed the originally peaceful human self. There is no end of warfare upon the Earth in sight if the human matrix does not become detached from the foreign warrior pattern and its corresponding beings.

  1. Listen to the left side of your body where the false pattern is attached. How does it feel? It does not matter if you are a woman or a man because this wrong and insidious pattern overshadow all of us human beings.
  2. Imagine that this false pattern stands as a dark shadow being behind the left side of your body. Make it step back from your left side and walk backwards.
  3. Imagine a line of such dark beings walking backwards. As they appear more and more distant in space and time they get smaller and smaller till they become a single black spot.
  4. Be aware that this black spot stands for the point of the dangerous attachment that has changed the human matrix drastically. The code of permanent warfare has infiltrated into the human essence at the archetypal level.
  5. To free ourselves and humanity from the false code we connect to the right side of our body at the level of the heart. Imagine connecting there through your back space. There the fractal (holographic piece) of the common heart of the human race is located. It is the heart that connects all of us, regardless of whether we are embodied or living in the spiritual world of ancestors and descendants.
  6. After we as human beings have made this heart connection and become whole again there no longer is a place where the foreign warrior code (and the corresponding shadow being) can attach.
  7. Feel how this dangerous code is magnetically pulled away from you. The protectors of the human race can bring this destructive code to the cosmic temple of transformation so that its energy can be returned to the cosmic treasury of pure light.
  8. Now imagine, from the point of successful detachment far behind your back (at the archetypal level), a crowd of joyous and happy children comes running towards the left side of your body, passes your heart muscle, and continues their happy flow towards and into the future.


Sequence 3: Strengthening the voice for peace

  1. Open your heart to the plant world. Plants are beings of perfect peace.
  2. Imagine that a flow of love departs from your heart centre, passes the above-mentioned fractal of the common heart of humanity (at your right side), and enters your environment – touching and embracing trees, meadows and the multitudinous varieties and families of plants.
  3. Touch the plant world around you, and perhaps also far away, with your hands of love.
  4. Then lift the flow of your love one step higher to the level of your throat (as the source of the creative word) so that the voice of the plant world (cooperating with the human imagination) can become an active initiator of peace.
  5. Afterwards, perform the same exercise relating to the being and consciousness of water. Water holds the memory of the original world of peace.
  6. Touch the waters of the world with your hands of love.
  7. Then lift the flow of your love to the level of the third eye so that people and nations blinded by the conflicting energies of war can see (with the help of water memory) the fundamental need for peace upon the Earth.

Sequence 4: Blessings to our deceased collaborators!

The days of our workshop are celebrated by various traditions as an opportunity to connect to our ancestors and descendants living presently in the spiritual world, parallel to our materialized reality.

  1. Imagine that all of us collaborating with the present telepathic workshop are gathered in a large hall full of light and uplifting fragrances.
  2. Simultaneously our workshop collaborators living in the spiritual world are gathered in the neighbouring hall.
  3. Suddenly the doors open and our collaborators in white robes of the soul enter – what a happy encounter!
  4. All together we form a circle to deeply feel and know that we belong to one and the same human family.