LIFENET Geomancy and Transformation

A network for mutual inspiration between the Earth and humanity

LEBENSNETZ Geomantie und Wandlung
Ein Netzwerk zur gegenseitigen Inspiration von Erde und Menschheit

LIFEnet was created in 1997 when representatives of different so-called Earth Healing Groups met at our home in Sempas, Slovenia. Our intention was not to build a kind of fixed organisation, but a flexible network of groups and individuals world-wide which follow the path of mutual inspiration and cooperation between Earth and Humanity, as intuited through my work and the work of my daughters.
The network consists of autonomous groups and individuals, who organize themselves, convene and work in their own way. Some of them are organized in associations, some of them are non-organized. Some of them are publishing newsletters or nourishing a common informational platform.
The basic intent of LIFEnet can be expressed in following way:

The Earth is involved in such a wide-reaching transformation process that it supersedes our imagination. In this moment it urgently needs individuals and groups world-wide, who are ready to dedicate their love, attention and creativity to the Earth Soul and her worlds of consciousness and life force. This is a way to protect the wonderful life web pulsating at the Earth surface and its depth to enable its relatively peaceful transmutation.

FOR ADDRESSES of LIFEnet (Lebensnetz) GROUPS see:
The American/Canadian LifeNet group has its home page


There are several projects that LIFEnet is engaged with in a collective way:

EDUCATION in the field of geomancy and personal transformation
For those who decide to follow the path of holistic perception, geomantic knowledge and holistic personal development, education courses are organized in different countries and languages:

Slovenia: Marko together with Ana Pogačnik, Association VITAAA, Ljubljana (Slovenian language),
Germany: Hagia Chora association. It follows the theme: to love the Earth, to perceive her, to co-create and to transform oneself (German language) ,
Austria : Erwin Frohmann and Association Raum und Mensch, Graz (German language)

There are other Lebensnetz-related educations going on in German language by:
Florian Grimm, Hamburg, T. 040 86645995
Wolfgang Schneider, Quedlinburg,

INTERNATIONAL LIFENET MEETINGS take place each second year in a different countries. Till now they were held in Slovenia, Germany, England and Sweden. The next one will be held in Croatia, Island Brač, in 2016 organized by Gea Viva team…

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