MEDITATION OF THE MONTH June 20th – July 20th 2020
Proposed by LifeNet – Network for Geomancy and Transformation –
created by Marko Pogačnik
What this civilization is doing is a total mental structuring of the manifested world. As a consequence stiff patterns appear at the Earth’s surface that prevent free flow of life through the organism of landscapes and continents. Gaia, the creator of the Earthly universe looses contact with her creation. Here is a proposal to support the flow of life involving our breathing:
- Imagine inhaling the life power of Gaia from the core of the Earth. Lead the breath up to the point behind your navel.
- While exhaling let the life force flow from there in the form of circular waves into your environment and the world.
- With the next inhale you should return to the point behind your navel and exhaling back to the core of Gaia.
- After a short pause the next inhale from the core of the planet starts and so on…
Instead you can for the same purpose use the image of pure water coming rhythmically from the core of the Earth distributed in the form of circular waves into your environment and the world.
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