MEDITATION OF THE MONTH March 20th – April 20th 2019

Proposed by LifeNet – Network for Mutual Inspiration between Earth and Humanity and created by Marko Pogačnik


Since a decade and more the colourful little spheres called “Orbs” attract attention. They usually appear on photographs taken at some strong places or in connection with events that show a special energy. Outwardly they look like tiny spheres, but seen from inside they are intelligent beings. I call then “Gaia Sparks” because they are part of the process through which Gaia, the Earth Goddess, creates her living planet. Sparks work at the sub-elemental levels similarly as microbes do at the material plane. The living organism of the Earth would be lost without myriads of Sparks that distribute Gaia’s primordial (dragon) powers and her consciousness among the living organism of the planet and its beings visible and invisible.

Sparks have started to attract human attention through the phenomena of the Orbs because they decided to offer their cooperation with the intent to accelerate the processes of change – being at the personal or planetary level. The April Meditation of the Month offers a possibility to enter in contact and to collaborate with Gaia Sparks.

The chakras of the Air element are sources of Sparks upon the human body. Four of them are known as “stigmata Christi” two of them focused upon the feet, and the other two at the palms of hands. Imagine them as interdimensional portals.

How do Sparks appear through those portals? They appear like air bubbles issuing from the mouth of a person immersed into water.

Decide upon which pair of the stigmata chakras you are going to use to support some among Gaia’s creative processes. For example:

  • May peace prevail upon all the different levels of the Earth!
  • May humanity become aware of Gaia’s plan to avoid the approaching threat for life of the planet!
  • Let humanity be inspired to cooperate with Gaia and her co-creative beings!
  • You may choose another aim according to your intuition.

Then release Gaia Spars with the chosen message in the form of a continuing chain of air bubbles (Orbs) into your environment and around the world.